With a slight delay due to our bath fan failing, we finally got back to finishing off the bath sink removal project. We like where the shelf ended up as it is protected behind the shower curtain but … (View Post)
Thanks for that @XenanMe, as I had a 1/4 inch issue when I replaced our bathroom fan with what I thought would fit. It appears that my sink ( build date 10/18) has the faucet hole in the center, but… (View Post)
We bought a one year used T@B 400 now 4 years ago. We love it. I have since learned a lot on the forum about the issues that arise. So if I were to do it today: 1. Document that Alde inspection and s… (View Post)
Hey all I neglected to share this solution to my brake controller issue above. After notifying the Toyota dealer and checking service recalls and notices, nothing seemed to fit but in a couple more w… (View Post)
I wondered about this and then it struck me that you are using a 1000 watt heat source on electric to heat glycol to around 160 degrees and then let it cool in a trailer with an R value of maybe 5 or… (View Post)