A user error catastrophic mishap (no worries to anyone looking to buy a T@B, this was not a manufacturer issue)

means we need to replace the fridge on our CS-S.
Since we’re looking at a significant cash outlay, I was thinking of exploring options. Has anyone tried using anything but the Norcold NR740 that it came with? I’m wondering about whether other options fit in the same space and power consumption. While I love
@Sharon_is_SAM ’s setup, since I’m doing an aftermarket replacement I know the ARB-style fridges are too deep to fit, and in order to fit sideways I’d have to do some serious cabinet modification that’s probably beyond my skills.
So far, I can find the direct replacement with the Norcold NR740, and then it looks like the Dometic CRX50, Engel SR48-F, and Indel-B Cruise 42 might be options - anyone have any experience with the others?
2020 320s Boondock lite, With Lots of mods
Mine is not working.