My wife and I love our 2018 CS-S. However we are looking for something a bit more conducive to full timing. The 400 is nearly a perfect solution. There are two issues. First and most important, we love the outdoor kitchen of the CS. It keeps the heat out. This is a real issue in the south. Second is the bed size. It is so close but not quite long enough. Are there any hopes of a 400 CS with a slightly larger bed?
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Another option I am considering is mounting a small exhaust fan/hood over the stove.
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
2016 CS S, 2008 Toyota Tacoma
Somerset, VA
I have wondered if this might be a good solution. Many of the outdoor kitchens I have seen on other RV's are really lame attempts. They usually lack something major, stove, refrigerator, or sink, sometimes two of the above. If correctly done I do believe this could work.
It is not. That is the issue with most of the outdoor "kitchens." NuCamp did an amazing job with the CS-S. Building a 400 size CS-S would likely require a completely new interior design. I get it. My wish list would include: a workable shower, decent gray and black tanks, One bed, standard queen or even a full, as long as it has the length correct, dinette for at least two, solar with good battery storage, a larger refrigerator would be nice, microwave, or toaster oven, of course the rest of the goodies that NuCamp seems to include on most everything they build and finally a good AC and heater. (Alde is fine.)
2019 Tab 400; 2019 TV Honda Ridgeline
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
2018 Ford F-150 2.7L Ecoboost with tow package
We do not do a lot of high heat cooking. About the only thing we fry is fish, and we do not do that often. The burners are a little slow, but I would hope for a slightly bigger cook-top in the 400. I don't see this as an exact copy of the current CS. I appreciate your input. Again, we are looking for something a little more suited to full time/extended trips. We both love to cook. Funny thing, the limitations of our CS actually work in our favor compared to our home kitchen. We tend to cook too much food at home.
2019 Tab 400; 2019 TV Honda Ridgeline
I always thought a bit wider clamshell would be a nice solution. It would solve side to side sleeping length and an even bigger kitchen as a bonus. It seems this would be possible utilizing many of the existing 320CS panels but with a wider roof and hatch. Six to twelve inches additional width would make a big difference everywhere.
There is a T@G XL. How about a 320CS XL ??
We do try to prep our food as much as we can before we go though, so that helps out a lot. So we don't do all of our prep from scratch when we are camping. Usually we have been out on a hike or something, so by the time we get back, get a shower and have a beer don't want to spend too much time cooking!
I do really like the clam shell kitchen and that is what originally got me interested in this type of camper. But having a bed that doesn't need to be converted and a separate table, with the bathroom and kitchen area, won the day.
If Nucamp ever designed a 400 with an outdoor kitchen I would be interested to see it.plchacker said: I lived in Southern Mississippi when I was younger and I get you about the heat and humidity! It would really make a difference.
All you can eat catfish!!! Now I'm hungry.
We live in the Pacific Northwest and when it is hot to look for cooler temps - sometimes heading to the Oregon or Washington coast or even north to the North Cascades.
I never take a grill or charcoal - if I need to do cooking other than the stove I cook over the fire. Forgot - we do take a grate for that. More stuff! We don't try to make everything we would make at home. Try to pick food solutions that provide some flexibility. Usually take a batch of my wife's home made spaghetti sauce. She also premakes a breakfast "hash" - sweet potatoes, apples, onions, bacon or sausage, usually some greens, all sauteed with some spices. Heat up and throw a couple of eggs on top.
Anyway - it's really about compromises. We didn't want a big camper and didn't want to take everything either.
2018 Ford F-150 2.7L Ecoboost with tow package
That is food for thought.
Hey that hash sounds amazing!! Do you precook the sweet potatoes? We will certainly try that the next time out. I agree about a big camper. The 400 is pushing our limits size wise. Again I'm looking for a more long term camper. I would love to stay with NuCamp because this has been an amazing experience so far. The only other Camper I have thought about is the Retro RV's smaller offerings - 18-20' range. They do not have the outside kitchen though.
Roll the topper, bedding and all, to the rear below the cabinets
Put the front cushions in the seat position and pop up the table.
A nice full size table for two with lengthwise lounge seating optional.
Have fun!
I looked at the Retro RV campers too and a friend of mine bought one. It was really clear the difference in quality between the Retro and the Nucamp products.
Maybe Nucamp could design a 400 where the side wall where the Kitchen is does something really cool and can be "moved" outside. Not sure what that would look like. Anything that moves would add weight I imagine.
2018 Ford F-150 2.7L Ecoboost with tow package
A 320 CS-XL or a 400 CS would be exactly what we are looking for, I'd be at a dealer tomorrow with money hanging out of my pockets.