2021 320 BD Front Window screen

Do the pre 2021 320s have the very dark front screen? It is much tighter weave and has horizontal bars every 5 inches. The total effect is its more difficult to see out of than the sides. Why wouldn't it be the same as the sides? While cooking in hot weather I want to see out. 
Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
managed by VE Smart Network


  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,369
    @MarkAl, my trailer is in storage, so I looked to see if I have any photos of my front screen, but I don't.  Although I do know what you are referring to as far as the horizontal bars, I cannot specifically recall it being harder to see through the front screens than the side screens.  However, I would agree that the side screens are lighter and probably do let more light in.  My guess is that there is a difference in the screens because the front window is curved, and the shade/screen are in a curved track.  The horizontal bars/bands are possibly for stability due to the curve, maybe so they do not easily get dislodged from the track.  That may also be why the front screen has a tighter weave.  But, that's just a guess on my part.

    One thing I know for sure is that the front screen and shade are a bit harder to open and close due to the curve.  But, I recently learned on a "Travels with Delaney" "tricks" video that a good way to open/close the front shade/screen is to lightly grasp (or "cup") the back side of the shade/screen with the tips of your fingers while you simultaneously hold the metal frame with your thumbs on the edge facing you (i.e., hold the frame with both hands about a quarter of the way in from each side) and move the metal frame up or down.
    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • B0atguyB0atguy Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2020
    Our 2019 front screen is the same screen material as the rear windows , and the front window screen has only 1 single bar running through the middle of the screen pleats . It does not have bars every 5" or so, and the screen material is definitely just as easy to see out of as the rear window screens . 
    NuCamp must have changed the design specs on the front window screen for 2021 .
    I have heard of some complaints with some campers partially "melting" the front screen material while cooking , and the pre 2021 front window blind and screen has always been a little tricky to slide due to the curve . I use the same technique as @Bayliss retract the  screen on our 2019 . (just "cupping" the screen with your hand to gather the screen as you retract it works great ). 

    I think Nucamp is trying to correct a few of the problems with the 2021 front window perhaps . 

    EDIT : Just checked pictures of the 2021 320 front window screen and it IS definitely different from the pre 2021 320's . The screen material looks a lot thicker/stronger/darker , and more horizontal bars were added for support . 
    2023 Ford F150 Sport 3.5 Ecoboost 
    2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD,  Grey / White 
    2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
    2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD 


  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    Thanks for the comparison, I'll have to come up with some workaround as I'll want the window open but prefer the screen to keep the little critters out.  Right now it's a bit sad to not see out clearly. Probably will get used to it, I'm glad there is the attempt to improve the functionality.
    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • zanthzanth Member Posts: 8
    @MarkAl We noticed this as well,  It is an all metal screen, I assume some melted their screens cooking some Bananas Foster or something.  It is a lot more opaque than the side screens. 
  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    I noticed that the area gets real hot while cooking, especially our 1st trip w/o the glass shield. BTW we've removed the battery from the smoke alarm as it was going off too often while cooking. Is this common?
    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    Update on our 2021 front window screen. It's melted and open at the folds like the thread of https://tabforum.nucamprv.com/#/discussion/comment/123562 was exhibiting.  I just noticed it this trip, we've used the stove on 4 trips so far: 2 trips while we waited for the glass top to arrive and 2 after it arrived. I just happened to notice it while talking w/ my wife outside of the trailer through the screen on this trip.  Don't know if it happened prior to the glass install or not. That area gets pretty hot just boiling water.  Before I noticed the melting I had decided to keep plastic items away from the vicinity and always open the window. But with the window open I want to use the screen for bugs. I will be calling nuCamp tomorrow to request a new screen, my hope is it's still under warranty and not hard to replace! Our dealer is swamped and we probably won't wait for them to install it.

    With as hot as it gets there, I was expecting the new more opaque screen would handle the heat, apparently it still doesn't. This must be a common problem how are others handling this?

    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    I havent had a problem, yet. Is this from cooking or just normal sun induced heat?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    :) Sun? we're on the rainy side of the mountains here. No definently not a sun issue. It's right over the stove area. We boil water for coffee in the mornings and I cook eggs or saute veggies/meat for dinners. But the heat is not set over 1/2 way between Hi and Lo.  Though I have had both burners in use.  The window is very nice but I have wondered about all the heat from the stove and surprised it hasn't caused more issues. I've contemplated a fan at the base of the glass top to direct more heat from the window but then it would be VERY uncomfortable to work there.
    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    MarkAl said:
    :) Sun? we're on the rainy side of the mountains here. No definently not a sun issue. It's right over the stove area. We boil water for coffee in the mornings and I cook eggs or saute veggies/meat for dinners. But the heat is not set over 1/2 way between Hi and Lo.  Though I have had both burners in use.  The window is very nice but I have wondered about all the heat from the stove and surprised it hasn't caused more issues. I've contemplated a fan at the base of the glass top to direct more heat from the window but then it would be VERY uncomfortable to work there.
    Hmmm..very strange. Did you call nuCamp?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    I e-mailed w/ Creed he said it's not a known problem. I've also sent a pic with a warranty request but haven't heard back. I'm not looking forward to replacing this myself and our dealer is pretty backlogged. At this point I am hoping it was from use before I had the glass "heat shield". I don't know if I cook more or less than the average person: I boil water for coffee in AM with eggs and toast and in the evening usually a stirfry / cassole meat thing with tea or coffee.
    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • ontheroadontheroad Member Posts: 485
    @MarkAl...as far as I remember from when our T@g's stargazer screen malfunctioned.. it's a complete unit with frame attached...pop off the corners and unscrew...then rescrew the unit in it's place...there was no restringing it...just make sure you don't flip it or the shade will be in the wrong place?...

    Former 2017 T@G Max XL
    2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
    2018 Nissan Pathfinder
    Ontario, Canada
  • Michael_GodshallMichael_Godshall Member Posts: 21
    We have a 2022 320S boondock.   Same issue with the screen. 
    It is the darker screen with vertical bars. 
    Michael Godshall
    Holland PA
    2022 T@B 320S Boondock
    TV: 2018 F150
  • MarkAlMarkAl Member Posts: 491
    This is my 2nd screen. I don't cook with the screen down unless the window is wide open. Also I leave the screen up, door shut, frt window 1st open position and fan on to suck heat away from the screen. NuCamp has not addressed this design flaw yet to my knowledge. 
    Snohomish WA, 2015 Diesel Grand Cherokee
    Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
    Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
    managed by VE Smart Network
  • DaveAnnaDaveAnna Member Posts: 56
    We posted this same problem a year ago. Never light the stove with the window closed or bug screen down. We had to get an entire new window to repair. We now open the window with screens retracted. I use a small fan if I think it’s getting too hot. Cooking outside is the safest bet
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