I tried running the fridge for the first time hooked up to electic to cool it for our first trip. The next day I went to check on the temp and noticed it wasn't cold with over 15hrs on electic. When trying to run it on electric i switched the fridge setting to electric (see picture, knobs on left). said forget it and went camping. Once at the site, I turned the propane on and the fridge colded nicely for the next 3 days. I'm assuming something is wrong with the electric to the fridge, maybe a fuse which brings me to my question.. is located under the stove? Based on a previous post I read it appears thats where it might be. Can someone confirm that before I pull the stove off ?? (mine is chauked in) Also, how do you know its a fuse issue?? does it look burnt or something else to indicate thats the issue?
Any help is appreciated as I have no clue what i'm doing.
Thank you!
Did you turn on the electric fan when you switched over to 12v. That's the toggle switch with the blue light that's on the wait at the top left side of the fridge?
Yes, there are Fridge Fuses under the stove top. However, since your "AC Plug" power-on indicator light is working those fuses are OK.
It sounds like there are three possible reasons for no AC Power Cooling:
+ thermostat is bad,
+ AC Heater element is bad (open)
+ loose connection at the terminal block, terminal #5.
You could try turning thermostat full range a few times it could be stuck in bad contact position . . . but that is not very likely.
120VAC wiring in Red. (Fridge owners manual)
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920
Then AT the campsite (and all set-up and leveled for camping) , you put it on propane right from the start and it worked ? Did you try electric at the campsite , or only propane ?
Here is my guess .........
When you were at home, getting ready for the trip, the camper was not "level" (prob hooked up to the tow vehicle , possibly in a driveway that was not perfectly level) , so the fridge did not work on electric (prob would not have worked on propane either) .
When you got to the campsite destination , and set the camper up to "camp" (nice and level) , the fridge worked ......on propane (prob would have worked on electric too) .
My guess is the fridge is working fine . If you feel heat coming out of the top outside vent (by the drivers door) , the fridge IS working, even though it may not be cooling . These fridges are NOTORIOUS for not working if they are not PERFECTLY level . The camper must be perfectly level for the fridge to work on ANY setting , 12v -120v or propane . If they are not level it will not cool , even though it may be trying too. Since the "plug" indicator light is working , it tells me its not an electric problem .
One other thing to check , and was a common problem on the 2019 320's . Look inside the top fridge vent on the outside (by the door) , to see if the insulation "board" has fallen down from the underside of the counter , and is blocking the top vent , even a little . That will trap the heat transfer . You can also put your hand on the right hand side of the counter top to see if it is warm / hot . If the insulation board has fallen down , it will need to be reglued to the bottom of the counter top .
Picture of top Fridge vent ........... circled in red . The plastic cover comes off with 2 clips at the top ( just turn them 90 degrees to remove vent cover) .
Our driveway is not level , and it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to "pre-cool" down the fridge before a trip . We always have to wait until we get to our destination to start up the fridge. Works when its level with no problem, but will NOT work in our driveway that is on a slight slope .
I hate these fridges, lol . Would love to swap it out ASAP , with a 12v /120v compressor style Isotherm fridge like they use in the 2021 models .
Hope this info helps you figure it out , and your fridge is not really inoperative while in 120v mode . (I am thinking it will work just fine if the camper is PERFECTLY level).
2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD, Grey / White
2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD
That pretty much tells me there is electric going to the fridge .......
Unless it is somehow back feeding from 12v and turning on the "electric plug " light (doubtful) , I would say the electric supply to the fridge is fine .
2024 NuCamp T@B 400 BD, Grey / White
2016 Ford Transit 350 XLT - Adventure / Travel Van / 320s interior !
2019 NuCamp T@B 320s Grey / Black - SOLD
We solved the issue!! It was as @B0atguy recommended - our driveway is not flat. I went out to check the vent and it was warm but fridge not cooling. I pushed the trailer a bit to a more level spot and a few hours later it was cool! The dealer told us to level the trailer for propane to work but failed to mention the same for electric. Thankfully it was a simple fix this time! Good to know the fridges are better on the 2021 - maybe I'll luck out and get a new model under warranty if ours fails within the 5 years. @B0atguy - Thank you for your very detailed post. It has a lot of useful information!
@Sharon_is_SAM thank you for the link to the manual. I didn't know it covered multiple years. Absolutely printing this out and putting it in the t@b for future reference.