I tried searching for wood rot for a model from around 2016 and couldn't find anything. Does anyone know what year the floors where changed? I thought the 2016 didn't have wood floors but mine does and I have some soft spots in the rear and near the entryway threshold. About 6 inches inward from the edge and I want to try and fix it before it get worse, but curious about the floors. I took a sander in the back in an attempt to sand through the wood, it's thin, about 1/4 inches and then my sander hits some type of composit matterial (Good sign I think), but why do I still have wood rot? I can provide a picture if that helps.
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The soft spot near entry way has been described by folks here several times before. It may not be rot though, and may possibly not be spreading... it might be wear and tear on that thin top layer of luan under the top vinyl, and the foam block underneath. That area gets more stress than others, and luan is pretty thin stuff, even if two layers. But fix any water intrusion or leak before fixing the floor if it is a water issue from the doorway.
Older thread:
I'd never heard of this being done on a T@B, but one RV repair guy uses an interesting technique:
Same thing:
P.S. Folks in late 2017 / early 2018 had an issue with Greencore instead of Azdel being used that delaminated causing wavy floors or bubbles, and NuCamp is fixing those free. You can get a quote from NuCamp or your dealer to get a repair. Though on even older models we've had some awesome members do-it-themselves and replace their entire floor.
P.S. I have a soft spot on mine too, even with Azdel, in the middle of the floor, a bit closer to the passenger side. Not near a door, window, or anything. If water induced delamination, moisture travelled several feet from a hole for a vent pipe, water line, or propane feed or some leak I dont know about to that one spot in the middle. Not likely. I don't have a clue how some of these soft spots form unless it's just from weight and foam compression with a thinner than average section of luan or Azdel, or a high traffic area.
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
I bought one of those General moisture detectors:
...to confirm I didn't have any additional moisture readings anywhere near the floor soft spots on my own 09/2016 build.
Did you check under the bed to see if the linoleum all looks fine around the Alde and on the passenger side under the bench? If you don't have any stains anywhere there or on the wood / paper coat that curves up from the back floor where taillight leaks can drip down as Verna described, then I'd be tempted to just replace the visible section of the linoleum under the table and up towards the front.
I don't believe that top sheet is in any way an integral part of the strength of the laminate sandwich of Azdel, foam block and aluminum square tube. You could cut it out and lay down a similar sheet, or put in vinyl planking. And check the condition of the Azdel underneath while you're doing it, to see if there's more serious issues.
But as always, and as mentioned above, consult NüCamp for the expert opinion. I did, and given how much movement I had in the center of the floor Austin said they could delaminate and rebuild the whole visible section of floor with fresh similar materials for $2-3k. I haven't done that yet, and I just have vinyl planking on top for a somewhat more solid floor feel for now.
Can you post a picture of your floor area in question?
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
You don't need to live with the stains, and should not leave mold coated surfaces untreated for health reasons. If not bothered by wearing rubber gloves and using a strongish bleach solution with lots of ventilation (make sure you get the bleach that says "sanitizing" on it), plenty on the forum have been able to get rid of all or almost all of the staining, just with several sessions alternating between bleach and soap. Follow up, after drying, with an oil based / wood cleaner maybe.
There are wicking fungicides that I've used before in the house that do an amazing job of coating inaccessible surfaces after a water leak, and instantly getting rid of the gym sock smell, but I wouldn't use them in the closed confines of a T@B, especially since that's an area heated by the Alde system.
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
“ PVT distributed the TaBs through Little Guy Worldwide until April of 2017 at which point, the recently launched PVT - nuCamp company took over
distribution to it's dealers.”
So the first nüCamp run starting in April 2017, was the 2018 model year release.
So a Tab built earlier in 2017 or in late 2016 would have been a 2017 Model year TaB. The current build year dates have changed starting with the release of the 2021 models.
As for the floor construction, “ Since 2016 no wood in the floors, they and Airstream were the first companies to use the Alde heat system (which is great), they took advantage of new synthetics (Azdel), and they use real wood cabinetry instead of cheap fiberboard.” These quotes are from Sharon-is-Sam, and the full history of TaBs story is here: https://tab-rv.vanillacommunity.com/discussion/8302/tab-history
The summer of 2016 they were producing 2017 models. I know for certain that the 2017 models had no wood in the floors.
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max