We received our second aluminum propane bracket and had it welded down today (see photo). However, the existing pigtail is too far to reach the second tank so I'm wondering about options. The easiest one is do nothing and simply swap the tanks when the one on the left runs out, but the perfectionist in me is thinking of being able to just unscrew (or even flip a switch) to transfer to the other tank. So I am wondering:
- anyone replace their pigtail with a longer one? If so, does the current one easily screw off and a replacement standard Camco one would just thread on with some yellow gas tape and I'm good to go?
- anyone find any Y-adapters, extensions, and or switches (I've seen these on off-the-lot RV setups but nothing aftermarket) - would be great to simply screw an adapter (Y or T) onto the existing pigtail. I've seen *some* extension cords, but they typically are like 20 feet long. All I need is an extra 1-2 feet to reach the second tank!
ps. the bolt/nut that came with this item were way too short, versus the nice long bolt + wingnut that came with the original camper. Shame nuCamp lol - I'll just pick something up from the hardware store at some point..
T@B 320 S 2018 / 4Runner Nightshade 2019
Parker, Colorado
Also, I do not believe you should use sealant or tape on these types of fittings.
Gas is not something to mess around with. There are different fittings and different standards for attaching them. Don't take my word for it--do your homework and make sure you know what you are doing before making any changes to your propane supply lines.