Draining 2022 Tab 320 CSS

Hi, newbie owner here.

For the life of me, I can't find clear instructions on how to properly drain all water out of the 2022 CSS. I see lots of info at NuCamp, online, and these forums that seems to not be relevant to the 2022 CSS, maybe I am just misunderstanding. Can anyone please help me with some specific steps? So far, I have...
  1. Opened the bathroom tap.
  2. Put both Nautilus levers in the diagonal positions (YouTube tip... real or unnecessary?)
  3. On the drivers side, opened the gray water cap, and turned the two black levers. Water came out of that side. (What are the two black levers for, and the two accompanying holes next to them? They are not labeled.)
  4. On the passenger side, turned the one black lever. This one is labeled Fresh Water Tank Drain. Water came out.
  5. Cranked the tongue jack all the way up and got the camper tilted toward the rear passenger side, where the Fresh Water Tank Drain is.
  6. Closed the bathroom tap and put all the levers back to where they were.
I have heard people say "be sure to drain the Alde" and seen photos of valve levers inside the camper on the red/blue tubes but I cannot find any in my 2022 CSS. Others mention some valves under the kitchen sink (?). I have seen photos/videos of two "low point" drain valves inside the Nautilus compartment, but I do not have these, either.

Trying to look underneath to see where else stuff should be draining. I have attached photos for some trivia, maybe someone will kindly enlighten me.

Why doesn't the NuCamp manual just have a simple diagram showing where everything is, with labels describing what they are? That would go a long way toward helping a new owner understand what's what.

Thanks for teaching me. :smile:


2022 Tab 320 CS-S Boondock


  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,070
    edited April 2022
    Great pictures!  The tubes and valves you have the pictures of are the "low point drains."  One of the little black levers is the "cold water pipe" low point drain (the blue pipes in the trailer), the other the "hot water pipe" low point drain (the red pipes.)  The holes are the actual drains.  The gray handle next to those levers is the gray tank drain valve.

    The little white pipe is (I believe) the Alde hot water tank low point drain valve.  Open up the compartment where the Alde is, and find the "Famous Yellow Flapper Valve".  It has two functions: to drain the hot water tank, and is the "pressure relief valve" for the plumbing system.  If you forget to use a pressure regulator when using "city water", the Yellow Valve pops open, and water will come out of that little tube.  The yellow valve should be directly above where that tube comes out of the trailer.
    The "fresh water tank" drain valve drains the fresh water tank. 
    Those are the 4 "low point drains":  hot and cold water pipes, the fresh water tank, the Alde hot water tank.
    I always get lost on the CSS layouts, so look closely at the trailer and the position of the Alde yellow water tank valve. So, look for the valve in the vicinity of where the little white spout is.
    I "think" the blue pipe is the fresh water tank over flow drain. (It seems to have moved for the 2022).  The black round drain is the Glycol "overflow" spout.  (Again, assuming, since it looks a lot like the one on my 2017.) Look again at the Alde setup in your trailer, and look for some clear plastic tubing that disappears through the floor.  Should match up to where that black spout is.
    The basic instructions haven't changed too much in the last two years, but things have moved around.  Where did the info you have pasted in come from?

    PS: the position of the actual drains have changed, but the process for draining the trailer is still pretty much the same.  Once you get used to where "your" drain valves are in "your" trailer, it will be easy to translate when an instruction says something like "open the low point drains".
    This is the file for Winterizing the 320 over in the Winterizing Manuals section.  Note how the instructions are fairly "generic".  https://tab-rv.vanillacommunity.com/discussion/6372/winterizing-manuals#latest

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    @ybakos - the 2022 has the Nautilus and is different plumbing controls from the pre 2021 models, so ignore the old photos showing silver control valves under the bed. 

    Tilting the tongue up will help to drain faster and more completely.

    Photo 1 are the low point drains for the plumbing system.  Opening these will empty the pipes.  The top drain (cold lines) also allows the Alde tank to drain (the Alde tank fills from the bottom with cold water, so it drains from this point, too.). Open a faucet when you drain the Alde tank to prevent a vacuum in the tank.

    Photo 2 - #1 - Black corrugated 2 inch drain is for the AC condensation.  #2 - Corresponds with photo #4 - Alde Drain from the yellow Safety/Pressure valve under the driver side bench.  #3 - Fresh tank overflow.  #4 - Alde condensation and bleed drain (follow the hoses from the Alde - 2 should exit through the floor and drain at this point.)

    Photo 3 - Fresh water tank drain comes off the rear of the tank.  Just tilt the tongue up to enhance drainage.

    Photo 4 - Alde drain via yellow Safety/Pressure valve.

    Photo 5 - The Nautilus harness (area behind the Nautilus panel that controls water flow using the valve settings) can pool water.  Nautilus winterization instructions recommends to turn the valves 45 degrees and blow out the water from the harness.  I am not sure how well water simply drains from this area without using a compressor.  In the very least, turning the valves 45 degrees while draining the system may have no effect.

    Regarding the yellow Alde valve under the bench:  in addition to the valve opening if under excess pressure, this valve can be briefly pressed to allow water to escape the tank and leave room for some air to function as a cushion within the Alde tank.  This is important to do about every week or so.  

    So, after you are done camping you need to open the fresh water tank drain and empty the tank if filled.  Open the 2 low point drains with a faucet open to empty the Alde tank and the pipes.

    Hope this helps.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,070
    @Sharon_is_SAM Thanks.....so, the "fresh water tank overflow" has moved for this model, correct?  Wasn't it over on the driver's side before?
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    @pthomas745 - with the 2021 overhauls, everything is more standardized, which is a good thing!  I can’t tell if the 320 S arrangement is different from the CSS arrangement (I have pics of a 2021 320 S vs a 2022 CSS).  The water tank location did not change, but the drain and overflow now comes off the rear and passenger side.

    The 2022 400 fresh water drain and low point drains now exit the driver side.


    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • ybakosybakos Member Posts: 60
    Wow! Thank you, @pthomas745 and @Sharon_is_SAM .
    The snippet of instructions/steps is from the 2022 official manual.

    I will try to find that yellow lever.
    I am also going to try blowing out the lines.
    I'll try to circle back with all the steps, revised.

    2022 Tab 320 CS-S Boondock
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    @ybakos - you don’t need to blow out the lines until you winterize.  Also, it is good to know where the Alde yellow valve is, but, if you are only interested in draining the Alde, just use the low point drains.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,070
    @ybakos We really thank you for the pictures.  This is already helping other owners!
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • ybakosybakos Member Posts: 60
    @Sharon_is_SAM fair enough, thank you. Where I am, it was 70 today but we're about to have a week of below-freezing temps at night. Since I have yet to try to fit the Tab in the garage (still practicing reverse maneuvering up a grade) it is outside. I figured I would drain and blow things out to remove the water that the dealer put in it while testing all the plumbing.

    2022 Tab 320 CS-S Boondock
  • ybakosybakos Member Posts: 60
    Thank you all again for the guidance.

    Ok, here is my current draft of accurate (?) steps for draining all water out of the 2022 Tab 320 CSS. At least, this is pretty much what I did. This seems long, perhaps this can be simplified. I am not OCD, I just wasn't confident in knowing what I should do. Please comment and I will revise. :smile:
    1. Preparation
      1. Raise the tongue jack to help the water drain toward the rear (passenger rear if possible).
      2. Gather some handy stuff: blowout adapter and ready an oil-less air compressor at 40psi.
    2. Initial drain. Open all the drain valves, and leave them open until this entire process is complete.
      1. Fresh water tank. Labeled, on the passenger side toward the rear. That one will usually take the longest to finish draining.
      2. Low point drains. Unlabeled, on the driver's side near the grey water drain.
      3. Grey water cap and "knife" valve (if and when appropriate). Unlabeled, on the drivers side. Pull to open.
    3. Quick faucet drain. Once the initial drain is done, set the Nautilus to "dry camp" mode and turn on the pump.
      1. Open the shower faucet. Cold, hot, and leave open in the middle. A little water should come out.
      2. Open the kitchen faucet. Cold, hot, and leave open in the middle. A little water should come out.
      3. Open the outdoor shower faucet. Both cold and hot full open, and click the lever on the shower head to get water to flow. Some water should come out.
      4. Turn off the pump. Don't run it for very long, as it is running "dry."
    4. Alde water. The valve is accessible under the driver's side rear bench. Remove the square panel, and look for a blue line on the floor just to the right (toward the driver's side) of the Alde. The valve is hard to spot from above or without decent light, as there is likely another tube blocking your view. The valve is yellow - press and hold for thirty seconds.
    5. Blow out. Close all the taps (shower, kitchen, outdoor shower). Put the Nautilus in "city water" mode and attach a blowout adapter* to the city water inlet.
      1. Open the shower faucet, leave open in the middle (some cold some hot). For fifteen seconds, blow air into the city water input with your compressor, at 40psi. Stop blowing air and close the shower faucet.
      2. Open the kitchen faucet, leave open in the middle (some cold some hot). For fifteen seconds, blow air into the city water input with your compressor, at 40psi. Stop blowing air and close the kitchen faucet.
      3. Open the outdoor shower faucet, hot and cold and click open the nozzle. For fifteen seconds, blow air into the city water input with your compressor, at 40psi. Stop blowing air and close the shower faucet.
    6. Close and finish.
      1. Remove the blowout adapter from the city water inlet, and set both the green and blue Nautilus handles in a 45-degree position.
      2. Close the fresh water drain, low point drains, and grey water drain.
      3. Open the bathroom and kitchen taps, leave open in the middle (some cold some hot).
    Whew! Ok, bring on the feedback, please.

    * My NuCamp goodie box came with a 1/2" NPT quick connect and I wish it would have come with a 3/4" garden hose to quick connect adapter instead.

    2022 Tab 320 CS-S Boondock
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    edited April 2022
    @ybakos - no need to reinvent the wheel.  We have instructions for the 320.  

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • ybakosybakos Member Posts: 60
    OMG! How did I miss this. Time to study the Files section. Thanks @Sharon_is_SAM .

    2022 Tab 320 CS-S Boondock
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    Look under Categories - User Manuals has a list of multiple resource threads.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • dawnhowes11dawnhowes11 Member Posts: 2
    Ybakos / Sharon_is_SAM.... thanks for all that.. .I was studying up on Ybakos's step by step because she has the SAME 2022 CS S I have... and I love STEP BY STEP... then I saw Sharon's manuals.. prining them all...and studying them more.. THANK YOU. .

  • dpsychsdpsychs Member Posts: 3
    @ybakos - you don’t need to blow out the lines until you winterize.  Also, it is good to know where the Alde yellow valve is, but, if you are only interested in draining the Alde, just use the low point drains.
    I'm trying to process all the excellent info in this thread. One question: when *do* you need to use the yellow valve to open/drain the Alde? (Or maybe the question is, how is this different from just using the low point drains as mentioned above?).  I note that the yellow valve is mentioned in the winterization process, but I don't understand how draining in preparation for winterizing is different from draining between camping trips. (I do understand that winterizing involves blowing ALL that water out of the lines and/or adding antifreeze, so not asking about that specifically.)
    2023 320 CS-S Boondock
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    The yellow valve is specifically called a Safety/Drain valve.  It is directly in line with the cold water feed line (fills the Alde) that connects with the cold water low point drain.  If excess pressure occurs, the valve will open and drain the boiler of water.  So, the Alde water tank will drain via the yellow valve and the low point drain.  

    Draining the Alde tank and plumbing lines in between trips and for winterization is no different.  You are simply emptying the system of water to prevent bacterial growth and damage due to freezing.

    Here is a plumbing schematic from ScottG.  Please check out the Plumbing Resource category here to find his entry as there have been edit explanations.  https://tab-rv.vanillacommunity.com/discussion/7856/plumbing-resources#latest

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • dpsychsdpsychs Member Posts: 3
    Thank you for the explanation and schematic, and for being such a fantastic resource. It sounds like we should never need to manually flip the yellow switch, unless we want to see how much water comes out of the Alde tank specifically. 
    2023 320 CS-S Boondock
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,798
    We use it to quickly empty the tank and to measure what comes out of the tank when winterizing.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
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