Clamshell Piston Failure on T@B CS-S 2021 - Looking for Repair Suggestions

MikeMurphyMikeMurphy Member Posts: 4
Hey all!

I have a 14-month-old T@B CSS and one of the clamshell pistons sheared off when it was closed a few days ago. (See photos below.) Root cause might have been the screws were overturned and the top bracket receives the most shear stress when the door is closed. Any ideas for how to repair it? I have the original piston, so I just need to know the best way to re-fasten the bracket. I'm sure there is some sort of wood filler required, but I don't know what kind to use. Or, perhaps, there is an after-market bracket available...?

I want to avoid taking it to the dealer for repair because I think they keep a long backlog, and if I can get the right information and parts I probably could do the rest just fine.

Also, after it has rained heavily water flows out of these holes when the lid is raised. I suspect water might be getting in at the top close to the hinge--and maybe related to the failure. Any ideas on this would be appreciated as well.



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