Travel to Canada

CharlieRNCharlieRN Member Posts: 438
edited September 2022 in Camping & Travel
We're planning our first international trip with our 320, from the Phila suburbs to Quebec City in a week or so, before the weather turns too cool and just in time to take advantage of the easing of travel restrictions.  We will have our two Welshies with us, so another first for us in crossing an international border with pets. Any advice and suggestions on crossing the border with a camper and with pets is appreciated.
On the dogs, from on-line searching, we know that we need to have them up to date on all canine vaccinations, and have the proof of that with us, but there surely must be more to it than that?
As far as the drive, we are presently planning to take slower, but more scenic route using the Taconic Pkwy through NY, then then east into VT before crossing into Quebec via I-89. Since we are Harvest Host members, we plan to overnight on the way up and back at their locations, and spend 2-3 days in the QC area. Any suggestions on campgrounds would be gratefully welcomed. One that is intriguing is Camping Orleans, on the Ile d'Orleans in the town of Saint-François. It's an hour north of QC, but seems really nice with great views of the St Lawrence.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I knew that Taconic was restricted to passenger cars but after checking the NY DOT website, it appears that trailer towing is prohibited. We'll have to stay on the Thruway instead.
2021 T@B 320 S Boondock / 2022 Telluride - Phillies/Eagles/Flyers Country


  • dsfdogsdsfdogs Member Posts: 611
    I crossed into British Columbia in May with my dog, no trailer. Be sure to set up an ArriveCan account, which was a requirement at that time. The agent checked my dog's proof of rabies vaccination and asked several questions like how old, how long I've had her, and did I plan to bring her back! I brought an unopened bag of dog food, rather than my usual container, but he didn't ask about her food. Be sure to check the list of foods you cannot bring into Canada (eggs, meats, produce at that time). Also be sure to check what you cannot bring back into the US. They may search your trailer.

    Have fun!
    Debbie in Oregon
    2023 Tab 400 / 2022 F150 XLT Sport 3.5EB
    Traded in - 2018 T@B 320 S/2019 Toyota 4Runner SR5

  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    edited September 2022
    Camping Orleans is a great place from which to explore Isle d'Orleans. A good mainland option is Centre de plein air de Beauport. This municipal campground is connected to Montmorency Falls and Quebec City by a dedicated bike path.
    You should be there around the time of the sandhill crane migration--a site well worth checking out!
    2015 T@B S

  • CharlieRNCharlieRN Member Posts: 438
    Thanks to both @ScottG and @dsfdogs.
    It would be terrific to see the sandhills in migration. Thanks for the heads up and I'll be sure to toss the binoculars in with my camera gear!
    Dog food was a concern; it doesn't appear on the list of prohibited foods but you never know. Our situation is a bit more complicated as well since the younger Welshie is only 9 months and still on puppy chow, we have to travel with two different types. I think we'll do as you did just to be safe and bring two smaller unopened bags with us. As far as entry, it appears that it soon will no longer mandatory to use ArriveCAN, though unclear if it's still encouraged. We are both vaccinated and boosted, with documentation, so hopefully no issues. Here's what the Canada travel website says:

    COVID-19 border measures end on October 1, 2022

    Starting October 1, 2022, all COVID-19 border requirements, including vaccination, mandatory use of ArriveCAN, and any testing and quarantine/isolation requirements will end for all travellers entering Canada whether by land, air or sea.

    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock / 2022 Telluride - Phillies/Eagles/Flyers Country
  • AnOldURAnOldUR Member Posts: 1,483
    edited September 2022
    We made six Canada/US border crossings this year. For the first one into Canada, we didn't have the app completed. The app required a destination in Canada and since we were passing through in route to Alaska with no planned stops, we could not get past this point in the process. The agent at that crossing basically told us to lie. He said to use any random campground address. He even said that we could use the address of the border crossing. Strange. We had all our dogs papers in order, but were not questioned about her on any of the crossings.
    The main topic crossing into Canada was guns. That first agent asked us at least five times where our guns were. We'd tell him we didn't have any. He'd go on with other questions, but return to asking about guns. The other crossings into Canada were similar, but not as bad as the first (we did have the app completed for them). We were subjected to a "random" inspection when leaving Alaska. Two guys rummaged through our TV and trailer, but not too thoroughly. Seemed more like they were just going through the motions required by the job. Very nice guys who were more interested in details of our journey than finding anything.
    Have a great trip! Hope you report back with details.

    Stockton, New Jersey
    2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler

  • TowheeTowhee Member Posts: 54
    A Nexus card will significantly reduce wait test at the border crossing in both directions.
  • CharlieRNCharlieRN Member Posts: 438
    edited September 2022
    Towhee said:
    A Nexus card will significantly reduce wait test at the border crossing in both directions.
    Hadn't thought about Nexus and if we continue to travel north, it would certainly be worth getting. We both have Global Entry, but neither of us has a Nexus card and I'm sure the wait for one is many months long. Hopefully there will not be a ton folks crossing at the places we plan to, so the wait will be tolerable.
    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock / 2022 Telluride - Phillies/Eagles/Flyers Country
  • Maple_GeekMaple_Geek Member Posts: 212
    If you are on Instagram and want to take a look at my channel (NEW.T@Bventure), I recently just came back from that area and I can recommend the KOA just 30 minutes south of Old Quebec:

    As for the Camping Orleans, I did see it when we visited the island and it looked very nice but there is (or was) construction at the entrance of the island by the bridge (and only way in/out) which caused significant traffic personally I would stay away unless you're planning to stay there and not move. Things may have changed from 3 weeks ago however...
    2022 T@B 320S Boondock
    2021 Toyota RAV4 TRD Off Road
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    Instagram: new.t@bventure
  • MaxcampMaxcamp Member Posts: 292
    Taconic Parkway is the worst for deer hazard, NY thruway is not pretty but a safer bet.  NY Duchess and Ulster County roads are full of farm to table stands and stops.  This is U pick apple  season and a stop on the East side of the Hudson River along rte 44 or 22 might be fun and very pretty driving.  Leaves are changing already.

    If you bicycle, its worth a diversion at I89 Burlington VT to visit the Island Line rail trail North from Colchester.   Miles of narrow causeway up middle of Lake Champlain with wonderful mountain views on both sides and waves crashing along the marble block edges.  Extends south into town for up to 14 mile ride.

    Recent trip to Newfoundland, we read about cross border food prohibitions.  Entering Canada they told us no problem,  we could have brought groceries, but that US reentry was stricter. Reentering Maine no one asked about foods other than potatoes.  Spent a lot replacing supplies.

    We registered with ArriveCan, carried passports and proof of vaccinations and auto insurances.

    Our credit card charges were at a more attractive exchange rate than any third party facility in NB, NS NL.  Banks refused cash exchange unless are a customer.
    Gas was over $2.50 per litre or  7 to 8 usd per gallon.  Govt tax is a significant proportion. Yow.

    We loved the Provincial Parks which were thoughtfully set up with well spaced sites and often having trails.  Limited or no hookups at most.  Seemed 50% of other campers in NL were French speaking Quebecois.  

    Planning to explore with bike up by  Saguenay QB later.  Like to hear what you find on your trip to Quebec.

    2021 T@B 320S Boondock/ 2012 Tacoma 4 cylinder truck / 2023 Tacoma 6 cyl. truck

  • Dame_plumeDame_plume Member Posts: 75
    edited September 2022
    @CharlieRN Welcome to Canada!  I hope you have a great vacation.  Quebec City and its surroundings have lots of touristic/historic places to see, specially the Vieux Quebec area. Don't miss a ride in the funicular!  I don't think that crossing the border will be problematic, not even with dogs if you carry proof of vaccination.  Be prepared to encounter the occasional  language barrier, though, Quebec City not being the city with the most bilingual people.  Have fun !
    And yes, the ArriveCan is no longer required but I would think that it might speed things a little if you filled it even if it is not required.
    Sylvie and Mike, Ontario, Canada / 2020 Tab 320S (Charlie) / 2021 Chevrolet Colorado LT (V6) Enhanced Towing Package
    "The only place where you start at the top is when you dig a hole"
  • BinghiBinghi Member Posts: 355
    ArriveCAN works. We sped through our entry port in Alberta.
    2021 400 BD / 2016 VW Touareg / Austin, TX
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