I have the factory (105W) solar panel and controller on my 2021 T@B 320S camper. I also added a 200W suitcase panel with a second Victron controller. I just returned from an amazing camping trip in the northern part of lower Michigan and the weather was spectacular. I put my suitcase out in direct sun and was getting around 180 watts...which is probably the best performance I've seen. At the same time, my factory roof-top panel was showing '0' watts. I covered the suitcase panel, and the roof panel became active. Question: Is it common that the smaller panel to back down if the larger panel is providing sufficient charging capacity? Thank you in advance!
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2022 T@b 320 S / 2021 Subaru Outback
I've had a tiny trickle of watts coming in from my rooftop panel while external panels were throwing > 150+ watts at the same battery bank, meanwhile the stats from my Smart Shunt make it clear that the input amperage from both controllers is additive (e.g. controller 1 reports 10A output, controller 2 reports 3A output, Smart Shunt reports surplus of roughly 13A). Same behavior happens if I turn on my Victron IP22 while the MPPT controllers are charging via solar, and the MPPT controllers sync to the charging phase (bulk/absorption/storage) that the IP22 is in.
That said, you *do* want roughly similar panel outputs on the circuit north of each MPPT controller lest an underperforming panel become a bottleneck.
2022 T@b 320 S / 2021 Subaru Outback