Step light switch contact corrosion

subkronsubkron Member Posts: 172
I started to take a look at how/where to place an on/off switch for the step light (would like to shut off at night) and noticed corrosion on the exposed 0.25" tabs of the step light switch.  It is under the step and exposed to all environmental conditions. The fastons will make for a gastight electrical connection but I would think over a (relatively short) period of time this will fail.  After I clean off the tabs & contacts, I'm thinking about sliding some shrink tubing back over the fastons, making the connection and then putting on some dielectric grease. Then push up the shrink tube and heat a bit to hold.

Any idea if this is the normal production method used or was it a temporary, maybe missing more "appropriate" parts?  Just seems to invite failure.  Any other ideas?  

2022 T@B 400 Boondock
2015 RAM 1500 Outdoorsman Quad Cab
South Jersey


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