I have a 2021, 320S with a microwave. The electrical outlet below the microwave has just a single plug. Aside from the typical residential requirement of providing a dedicated circuit for a microwave, is there any reason I couldn't change the single plug outlet near the microwave to a duplex outlet?
Thank you in advance.
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I did that exact swap out. The new outlet also has USB plugs for powering a nearby Firestick and USB fan. I changed all my outlets to those that have USB plugs.
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
Thank you both! I bought a duplex receptacle...but the opening in the plywood is very tight and nearly touches the side connections screws. I'd like to install a regular outlet box....but I don't think I have the width. There is a vertical pipe (I'm guessing conduit) inside the wall which would interfere with a box. I suppose I can just widen the opening enough to provide a decent amount of clearance for the connection screws.
Will do. The wiring gets pressed into the back of the receptacle and the contacts slice through the insulation. Looking on Amazon, they have similar 'RV' style outlets that don't require a box...but I haven't found any rated for 20 amps.
Sorry for the delay....got sidetracked on other projects.
After doing some digging, I realized that this type of receptacle is called a 'speedwire' receptacle and is quite common in the RV industry. They take up less space, don't require a conventional wiring box, and (if you have the right tool) are relatively fast to install. There are no connection screws. The three conductors are laid into grooves in the brass framework, then pressed into place (I drew them into the photo below). The brass cuts into the insulation and contacts the copper wire. A second plastic piece then snaps into place to cover all of the connections and clamp the wires in place.
I haven't been able to find a 20 amp, speedwire receptacle on Amazon. I'm also not sure if I need a special tool to clamp the wires in place. So, I think I'm going with the conventional wiring box. I will have to enlarge the hole in the plywood wall without hitting anything buried in the wall. It will be tight, but I think it will fit.
Anyway....another learning curve for me!
Sorry to belabor this! I ended up putting the original box back in. I didn't have room to put in a standard box due to the plumbing vent pipe. How did you mount your new receptacle?
Thank you for looking! I had seen that one too. It's very close....but because mine powers the microwave, it needs to be rated for 20 amps. I have only been able to find the 15 amp versions.
I have a combination of this 'speedwire' type and the conventional outlets with a box. I'm guessing they used this for the microwave due to the limited space in that wall.
Thank you both for your comments!
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
Again, thank you for the help! All good points.
The original outlet is rated for 20 amps, the Romex is 12 ga., and the breaker is 20 amps. I could easily change the breaker to a 15 amp so as not to overload a 15 amp outlet....if that ever happened. My other concern was exactly as ScottG mentioned. I'm not crazy about the 'guillotine' style connectors and I was concerned that a 15 amp breaker might be too tight on the 12 gauge wiring.
Last resort, I suppose I could change the romex, the breaker, and the outlet....but I think I'll just leave it as is for now. It was just one of those ideas that I had which, I thought, would be a quick, simple swap. I'ver learned that these campers are designed to utilize every square inch of space and there is usually a reason for most things.
Thanks once again!
I think this is listed as a self contained (no box is needed) 20 amp outlet.
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
Wow! Thanks! I guess I need to venture away from Amazon now and then!
Our trailer has three 20 amp breakers but none of the outlets have the "T" slot shown above.
Using a 15 amp receptacle on a 20 amp circuits simply prevents connecting any appliance larger than 15 amp rating to that outlet. No problem unless you're trying to connect a 20 amp load...
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
I agree that the particular brand I posted should be checked. But the OEM self contained outlet supplied with my ‘21 used a similar style connections and used yellow 12 AWG Romex. But, that doesn’t make it right. I find some of the electrical on my ‘21 not up to the best standards . I once tried to run to ground the requirements for RV electrical (like in a house) and could not find any.
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Southern Maryland
Thanks once more to everyone....I thought I knew 'enough' about electrical wiring but I did learn something here!