Hi everyone,
I have spent hours searching the internet, forums, Facebook, and with a screwdriver in my trailer to no avail. I believe I need to replace the LED panel on my left tail light. I've included pictures to show how it's lighting up, but not all the LEDs are lighting up at once as they should. However, I cannot figure out how to access the light. I removed panels from the inside, but there is a white interior panel blocking access to the light with no visible screws. I tried prying off the chrome bezel with a flathead screwdriver, but it seems firmly attached and I do not want to break it. I even tried removing the guard rail to see if I could take off the black plastic panel surrounding the light, but the guard rail seemed to be attached with some kind of epoxy.
Also, any information about non-OEM replacement lights would be helpful, as the part seems backordered on NuCamp's website.
Picture of right tail light working for comparison.
Picture of

Thanks for your help!
I found a thread that suggested prying off the silicone ring around the light to access the LED. Sounds like it should just pop off.