AC exchange failure - update: success!

RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
They were able to put in the digital AC with two extra screws!  And they had to reverse a back lip strip so it fit.  Works great!  Very happy.  The guys a RMS of Hanover were wonderful.

This was what I wrote earlier:  I have become determined for the air conditioner to be digital somehow, but when we tried to put a Frigidair digtal AC that was advertized as same size as knob controlled AC, we found out the digital one is bigger and won't fit in the Outback space securely.  Fortunately Amazon will let me return the unit for free.  So, it could be worse.  Back to the drawing board. 

B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.


  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Amazon shows the rotary dial model dimensions as 15 x 16 x 12 and the digital as 16 x 15.2 x 12.  Too bad the digital wouldn't fit.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    They were able ti fit it!  Works great.

    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    They flipped a metal strip on the bottom back and added two screws to hold it securely to the base.  It does stick out slightly more, but that's okay!  I honestly dont know more.
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • TonydjdTonydjd Member Posts: 111
    Nice bet it has a remote control also so you don't need to get up to adjust in middle of the night just reach for the remote control.
    Tony D
    2015 T@B Max-S

  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Looks like the front panel overlaps the frame whereas the analog fits within.
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    No, it fits within, albeit slightly tighter.
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Your frame must be skinnier than mine. Mine has an extra 1/4 inch more around than in your pic. Thought maybe it went over or you had cut the frame down to make a bigger opening.
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    PXLated said:
    Looks like the front panel overlaps the frame whereas the analog fits within.
    Mine overlaps.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Jenn - Ya, yours looks like mine.
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    A side photo of the digital unit would be nice to see how they compare.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • NomadNomad Member Posts: 7,209
    Looking at the distance from that screw to the AC unit - Doesn't mine look wider - like it has a wider trim piece?

  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    Oh, hey, maybe the company that put it in for us DID cut the frame, which is okay wth me.  I hadnt noticed any difference, but now I see that maybe that's what had to be done.  Regardless, it fits, has a remote (mine, mine, mine) and works to the right temp no matter how hot outside.  I will tak a side photo tomorrow for you.  On the back bottom of this unti, the same as the knob unit, there is a metal strip that was in the way on the lower edge and the young man working n it found that if he urned over this metal strip and screwed it back in, then the unti would fit.  May also have modified the frame, but that wasn't mentioned.  I was just so happy they got it to work after saying on the phone prior to puck up that it wouldn't fit.
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    That's great news! Any additional information that could help others do this mod would be appreciated.  Especially those with dogs.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    @OutbackAZ. Will do.  More pictures tomorrow.
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • jdargisjdargis Member Posts: 305
    Does the fan shut off, when the compressor shuts off, or does the fan stay on all the time, like the stock unit?
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    @jdargis. I was in it for several hours and noticed the fan stayed steady but temp blowing became less cold as temp was reached.  So I think it stays on, but will need to test further.  That is one thing I liked with first test - sound seemed to stay steady.
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375

    jdargis - I believe the compressor won't kick on if the ambient temperature is too cool.  I also recall the fan staying on constantly with the compressor kicking on and off as needed at the end of last summer.

    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • jdargisjdargis Member Posts: 305
    What is the advantage to this unit, if the fan runs all the time, as the stock unit?  You can set your temperature with an indoor thermometer and the dial setting with the stock unit.  I am interested in a window unit, that shuts the fan and compressor down, when temperature is reached.  Our motor home had air conditioning that everything shut down when temperature was reached, the same as central air in your home.  I just think it is extra wear on the fan motor constantly running all the time, when the room temperature has been reached.
  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    @jdargis. The advantage for me is that my tiny dogs will do better aline for an hour or two.  When camping earlier in the year with old AC, it was hot one evening and I turned the AC on low for the dogs.  When I hot back an hour or so later, the temp outside had dropped so that it was ridiculously cold inside, with the Alde fightng the AC to stay above freezing.the dogs were shivering and huddled and I wanted a solution.  This unit may blow internal air frim the fan, but it definitely stopped blowing chilled air when the set temp had been reached.  Problem solved.  Its also more efficient and has a remote (mine mine mine).
    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
  • RatkityRatkity Member Posts: 3,770
    edited May 2016
    Having lived with the dreaded window units of many types for 30 years, the ones with a digital temp will try to keep the room at that set temp (e.g. 72F )even if the sun goes down and it's not 90+F outside, but drops to the 80s. With the analog number dial AC unit (especially the old RV roof type in the popup), the compressor still runs at the selected setting, continuing to reduce the temperature inside relative to the outside temp. Trust me, Harvey does NOT like icicles hanging from the ceiling and he will put those cold paws on your back until he feels warm enough. Good thing he doesn't have opposable thumbs or he'd have lit the stove and drunk all the hot chocolate! :) 

    I like your mod, Red! Those leeetle remotes get lost easily in stuff. Some velcro on the back with a matched piece on the wall (on your side of the bed) is what I do for the TV remotes. The little remotes don't fall off the wall when traveling either. Careful you don't put the velcro over the battery cover.
    2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
  • USWildflowersUSWildflowers Member Posts: 177
    I think that typically the "energy saver" mode cuts the fan off when the compressor isn't running - at least that's the way the 3 that I've had work.

    Redufresne - How's the noise level for that model? The analog one in our T@b is relatively quiet, compared to the digital Frigidaire I have in our bedroom at home. When it's running it sounds like I'm in a hurricane.
    gerry - Flintstone, GA - 2015 T@B S - 2012 Toyota Highlander

  • RedufresneRedufresne Member Posts: 100
    I thought it was equally quiet, maybe slightly quieter.  Here are the puctures I promsed.  Note how close the back of it is to the outside vent cover.

    B@t T@b, the 2016 Max S Outback, pulled by Bane, the 2014 Honda Ridgeline.
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