I sometimes use tha bathroom door to judge when the trailer is level. I adjust front to back and side to side till the door stays still in any position.
I've used a small bungee attached to the knob of the cabinet under the sink. Not that clever, but it works.
Sheila and the Mullis Pups (Winston, Morgan, Leroy & Dakota) M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.
At night to avoid the Gawd Awful noise the bath room door makes when you pull it open, we just leave the flipper lock horizontal so the door can't touch the magnets on the frame.
2014 T@B M@XS; 2017 Ford Transit Low Roof, Reg. Wheel Base
Found some little bungees at Walmart, cut off one hook, knotted the end and sealed it with gorilla glue. Padded the hook with some IV tubing. Place the knot behind a cabinet door and hook the door with the padded hook.
To avoid the noise, instead of using the door handle, pull the door open at the top. You kind of slide the door parts apart, defeating the magnet effect.
Terry & Jody... 2025 Honda Ridgeline RTL 2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road Appleton, WI
Ratkity can you post a picture of the clear door bumper. I was trying to come up with something that would stop the kitchen door knob from banging into the glass shower door.
2017 White with Black T@B Outb@ck, Max S ( rec'd on May 2nd, 2017) TV is a 2017 White Honda Ridgeline, Detroit Auto Show North American Truck of the Year Love it.
Ratkity can you post a picture of the clear door bumper. I was trying to come up with something that would stop the kitchen door knob from banging into the glass shower door.
My solution. 1. Rare earth magnet glued to ceiling which was already damaged from being hit by the door. (Will paint it with almond appliance touch-up paint to make it less conspicuous) 2. Large fender washer tied to door. (Might try to decorate it somehow)
San Francisco Bay Area 2013 CS-S us@gi 2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
I bought a cute brass small screen door latch...drilled a very small pilot hole in the wood between the Jensen and cabinet door and screwed it in. Then I opened the bathroom door and held the latch out straight. I drilled a small hole in the metal door frame...hooked the latch. It holds the door open perfectly! And, when not open, the latch lays quietly against the wood.
M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.
2016 NuCamp 320 T@B Max S
T@bbey Road
Appleton, WI
TV is a 2017 White Honda Ridgeline, Detroit Auto Show North American Truck of the Year Love it.
I got them at Lowes. They look like this:
1. Rare earth magnet glued to ceiling which was already damaged from being hit by the door. (Will paint it with almond appliance touch-up paint to make it less conspicuous)
2. Large fender washer tied to door. (Might try to decorate it somehow)
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab