My AC seems to no longer work

It worked so well a couple of weeks ago I had to turn it off in the middle of the night because it got so cold in my T@B. I haven't really needed it since but it's gotten very humid here and I'm expecting rain. I've turned on the AC to help cool off the camper inside before the actual rains start. It's just blowing air...not cold or hot. Just air. I've got it cranked up to the max fan and coldest number on the dial. Any ideas what I can try next? It's hot as heck in this trailer right now.


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    alchemist said:
    It worked so well a couple of weeks ago I had to turn it off in the middle of the night because it got so cold in my T@B. I haven't really needed it since but it's gotten very humid here and I'm expecting rain. I've turned on the AC to help cool off the camper inside before the actual rains start. It's just blowing air...not cold or hot. Just air. I've got it cranked up to the max fan and coldest number on the dial. Any ideas what I can try next? It's hot as heck in this trailer right now.

    Does the filter need to be cleaned?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • alchemistalchemist Member Posts: 39
    Is the filter just the front? If so, I've vacuumed that and there is no dust or anything there. If there is another filter inside, I'd need to figure out how to get to it. 
  • Rolltide82Rolltide82 Member Posts: 89
    Is there any condensation draining under the tab?  
  • alchemistalchemist Member Posts: 39
    Not that I have seen, which has always worried me. The AC hasn't been running for almost 12 hours, so there wouldn't be anything now. Before yesterday, I never even turned it on for about 2 weeks. But when it did run before, I never saw anything drip from what I assumed was the drainage tube at the front of the trailer.

  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    I apologize in advance if I'm stating the obvious, but to cover all the bases...

    You mentioned that your A/C was set on "Max Fan." My A/C (a Frigidaire model) has both a "High Fan" and a "High Cool" setting; if you set it on "High Fan" it does exactly as you describe, and the temperature dial has no effect. It must be on a "Cool" setting for the compressor to kick in. 
    2015 T@B S

  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
    edited August 2017
    The filter on your AC should be on the right side of the air conditioning unit and will pull out. It does bend some but can be removed (it's similar to the filter on my dehumidifier - it's flat) and installed after cleaning.  My air conditioning unit is held in place on the front via wood trim around the front of the unit and there are also two long screws beneath the unit that keeps the unit from sliding out.  These screws will need to be taken out and this will allow you to easily pull the unit out from the rack that it sits inside.  You will see the filter on the right side and should clean it thoroughly with a solution of mild dish soap and warm water.  

    I would also look up inside the pan area, wipe and clean the pan are thoroughly and also check the drain hole and ensure it is clean and that there is no debris clogging the drain tube.  If you could find some weed whacker plastic string or something similar you could push it down through the drain hole and beneath the trailer to clear any debris that might be in it and ensure that it's open.  Pour some water down through the hole to test it and ensure that it does drain properly.  
    Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
  • alchemistalchemist Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017
    Sorry if I miss-typed previously. The settings are: low cool, high cool, low fan, high fan and off. The numbers / temp go from 1-7 (Max Cool). I put each dial on every number and every setting and the air just camp out "air," never cool. I heard the compressor kick in, but it never pushed out cold air even after running for over an hour. 

    Mike, I'm about to break camp to go to my next location and will do as you suggest once I get get setup there. Thanks!
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    Sounds like you have the same A/C unit I do, and have covered all the bases.

    Sorry, that's the limit of my A/C knowledge. Never touch the stuff, personally!  ;-)
    2015 T@B S

  • TabberJohnTabberJohn Member Posts: 588
    2015 T@B Max S (White/Silver) -> 2014 Ford Escape 2.0L (turbo, AWD, factory tow)
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375

    Here is the location of the A/C drip pan drain.  It is located directly behind the mirror in the shower.  It is accessible by carefully removing the mirror or taking out the A/C unit itself.  BTW, this is a standard small window unit that's available for $139 from Amazon with free shipping.  I believe Walmart also may carry it.

    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375
    Check out "how to remove the air conditioner" for more info and pictures if you do need to replace yours.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
    On the 2017 units (I believe it's when this upgrade was incorporated?) the drip pan drain is in the center of the drip pan to allow water condensate to drip down and enter the pan from any angle, thus eliminating the need to drop the right front quadrant of the trailer down (a tad) to get water flowing in the right direction.  
    Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 2,861
    alchemist said:
    Sorry if I miss-typed previously. The settings are: low cool, high cool, low fan, high fan and off. The numbers / temp go from 1-7 (Max Cool). I put each dial on every number and every setting and the air just camp out "air," never cool. I heard the compressor kick in, but it never pushed out cold air even after running for over an hour. 

    Mike, I'm about to break camp to go to my next location and will do as you suggest once I get get setup there. Thanks!
    Another thing you can do is take a small ladder, go up and inspect the black vent over the AC unit.  The cap should screw off I believe and you will find a small piece of plastic screen over the entry hole.  Clean the screen out good as you might find some dust and debris in it and this allows air flow for the AC unit.  It is really a very small opening and I was surprise that mine had some accumulated debris in the screen.  
    Mike - Elmira, Mi / 2019 T@B 400 / 2021 Chevy Silverado LTZ
  • RollingLagrimaRollingLagrima Member Posts: 435
    Another "hope I am not stating the obvious" but it sounds like you have the same unit I have, and if I don't turn on the white air circulation switch (on exterior shower wall), the unit stops blowing cold air in humid conditions, every time.
    Sally, "PlaT@Bus" 2016 T@B Sofitel Maxx-S (plata=silver; SP), previously Little Guy 2014 Silver Shadow LE, TV -- 2013 Chevy Avalanche + two hounds.
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    If this is the same lady as on FB, she has an early 2015 without the auxiliary fan. She has cleaned the filter. It was a cooler night last night. After all the suggestions, I recommended she go to Home Depot to get the upgraded digital model I have. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • MarcelineMarceline Member Posts: 1,622
    Verna said:
    If this is the same lady as on FB, she has an early 2015 without the auxiliary fan. She has cleaned the filter. It was a cooler night last night. After all the suggestions, I recommended she go to Home Depot to get the upgraded digital model I have. 

    Is it this one?

    San Francisco Bay Area
    2013 CS-S us@gi
    2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,375

    I believe this is the digital one some have used:

    Same basic unit, but with a thermostat and digital controls.  It does stick out of the cabinet a little if I recall from other posts.

    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    @Marceline, not the 6000 BTU, but the 5,000 btu one in the above post by Tabaz.

    For the record, there was nothing wrong with my original one, I just consider this one to be an upgrade. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • TikiBarTabTikiBarTab Member Posts: 39
    I had a problem with mine yesterday.  I live in FL and it got over 110 inside in the afternoon.  I turned on the AC and in ten minutes it went down about 10 degrees.  I came back in about a half hour later thinking it would be much cooler and it had not gotten any cooler.  I have only had my T@B since Monday, so I figured I would have to get it back to the dealer...instead I read the trouble shooting in the manual and it said that when you change settings you should wait at least 3 mins. before changing again.  I had been switching the settings back and forth before reading this. So I turned it off over night and turned on a fan inside.  This morning it seemed to work again.  Not sure if your problem is for the same reason, but maybe this will help.
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    I have a U Model and need to take the ac cover off, but there is not enough room to get it off on the top side.

    After reading Mike's comments it seems like I need to remove a trim piece.

    Can someone please confirm this?
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    Here is a pic of my unit

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    Lino, that is a different unit than what Michigan-Mike has. You'll need to look carefully to see how to pull it out. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • linolino Member Posts: 231
    Thanks Verna

    Also going to call Preston Miller for advice 
    He always helps
  • driftlessdriftless Member Posts: 135
    @lino  we have a Q model with the air in the same location but it appears you unit is recessed more than ours plus you have an additional trim piece.  Here is a pic of our unit opened
    Happy Trails,
    Phil & Anita - Driftless: 2018 T@B 400/2015 Ford Explorer 

  • davel4wadavel4wa Member Posts: 91
    One reason they may be suggesting waiting 3 minutes between adjustments is to protect the AC compressor. These units and even your home AC have a built in delay to keep the compressor from cycling back on until the refrigerant pressure drops. When the compressor cycles back on too soon it can cause it to stall which will usually trip the circuit breaker if you're lucky. Since the delay is built in the 3 minute warning is probably not needed although I had an RV with 2 AC units and one of them would frequently trip the breaker on my generator. I believe the built in delay was faulty.
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