Water Pressure When Boon Docking

Fellow Tabbers - After 3 years of only boon docking, we are finding that our water pressure is pretty pathetic - it seems to have gotten worse. The faucet spurts and spits, and the shower now barely works; these days we boil water and take sponge baths rather that rely on the T@b (we have an Outback). We took the T@B in for service a few weeks ago, and nothing much has changed; they said it was fine. Is it a problem with bleeding the lines?  

I suspect that this is a boon docking issue, since when we plug into city water it all goes away. We've tried doing that before we leave, turning on the Alde, the hot water, and the cold, but when we get to the campsite we've got the same problem.

Any suggestions or experience with this problem?

Also, has anyone had experience using an inverter? We have a Zamp, and love it, but there are times when a little A/C would be nice. We don't want a full-on generator because of the noise, but we saw the Yeti converter and were just wondering...or dreaming.


Boo Radley

2016 Outback


  • ColoradoJonColoradoJon Member Posts: 415
    edited October 2017
    I would suspect that your water pump is going bad and needs replaced.  It's a simple fix, really, if the pump is indeed the culprit.  Have you checked for blockage at the pump?  Cleaned the filter screen on the inlet side?  Since you have good pressure with city water your plumbing is most likely ok, unless there is an air leak at or around the fresh water tank.

    Although I do not have experience with inverters I have done a lot of research - even with a good battery bank and inverter you most likely will not have enough power to run AC, it just uses too much power.  You can run a lot of other things, though.  There are several users here that have them and maybe they can comment.
    Jon & Angela | Florissant Colorado | 2017 Outback S
  • BooRadleyBooRadley Member Posts: 39
    Thanks. That's what I suspected with the inverters. When it warms up I'll give the pump a thorough look.

    And by the way, we take our Outback up to Eleven Mile Canyon to fish on an almost weekly basis, so we pass right through Florissant.
    2016 Outback
  • Tabaz Tabaz Member Posts: 2,373
    You will be unable to run the A/C using solar.  However, I have run mine with just a Honda 1000 watt generator. I have a 2000/4000 (peak) inverter installed near the propane tub. I use it to run my 700W microwave.  I also have a much smaller inverter (300W) that I use for the Dish receiver and other small appliances.
    2016 Outback 320
    2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,567
    I agree with all of ColoradoJon's, and will add that possibly a pinched or plugged FW tank vent might cause similar symptoms. I'm wrapping up season three myself and my pump seems to be still performing normally, but it sounds like yours may be subject to heavier use.
    2015 T@B S

  • JohnDanielsCPAJohnDanielsCPA Member Posts: 238
    My guess?  With the fresh water tank full, disconnect the outlet hose from the water pump and connect a short hose that empties into a bucket.  Turn on the water pump.  If you aren’t getting a good stream of water, the water pump is either clogged (check the filter on the inlet side of the pump, the water pump is bad, or something is clogging the inlet side of the water pump.  If you get a good stream of water, it would seem the problem is between the outlet side of the water pump and your main plumbing.

    As for a generator - I have found the only reason to have a generator is if you want to run an AC or microwave.  Otherwise, solar will keep your battery charged (assuming you have enough sun exposure, of course).
    2022 T@B 400 BD
    2019 Ford F-150 3.5L Ecoboost with Long Bed
  • Smullis7Smullis7 Member Posts: 221
    I boondock quite a bit, but am only on my second season.  I live in hard water Colorado, have you looked at the shower head and the sink aerator thing?  I know my sink aerator already had some hard water scaling on it this year that I cleaned off.  Just a thought.
    Sheila and the Mullis Pups (Winston, Morgan, Leroy & Dakota)
    M@bel M@y, my 2017 T@B Outback Max S (silver w/black trim), towed by Maude Myrtle, my 2016 Jeep Rubicon Hardrock.

  • ColoradoJonColoradoJon Member Posts: 415
    @BooRadley - I wonder... my wife and I have seen a Outback at the Florissant Conoco a couple of times.  I wonder if that was you?!  I have camped several times up near Eleven Mile.  Very nice if it isn't too crowded.
    Jon & Angela | Florissant Colorado | 2017 Outback S
  • BooRadleyBooRadley Member Posts: 39
    Thanks for all the replies. It's a little annoying that dealer didn't check or fix the water issue, but from what I read this is to be expected with rv dealers.

    We've been boondocking for three years with just solar, and it's been fine. We're planning a trip to Maine next summer, though, and the midwest heat and humidity makes us wonder about the need for a generator. Glad to know that the inverter will not, like the solar, run the a/c. I really don't like the idea of a generator, so we may just make do with the fan.

    And yeah, ColoradoJon, that's probably us at the Florissant Conoco. We have schedules that allow us to camp during the week, so we mostly avoid the crowds.
    2016 Outback
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,567
    @BooRadley, I camp in northern New England and Atlantic Canada throughout the summer. While the days can range from pleasantly warm to swelteringly humid, things almost always cool off at night. 

    I don't like heat, but have gotten by just fine with a couple battery operated 5" fans to keep the air moving at night. I even removed the A/C to reclaim at little storage space.

    I might feel different if I travelled in the south, but have never felt the need for more than a fan up here. YMMV!
    2015 T@B S

  • dsatworkdsatwork Member Posts: 744
    @Michigan_Mike upgraded his water pump to this one I believe. Shurflo 2088-554-144 Fresh Water Pump, 12 Volts, 3.5 Gallons Per Minute, 45 Psi https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C1M6B1C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_k2KczbTR7VR66

    And he now gets much better pressure while boondocking.
    2017 Tab Basic S Silver on Silver with Sofitel Cushions....upgraded from 2013 LG 5W....Towed by a 2016 Sorento V6 AWD w/5000lb tow capacity. Dave S. married to Jen aka SanDiegoGal We pull a Tab but live in a 2014 Airstream International Signature 27 FBQ...Talk about embracing a trailer lifestyle.
  • rfuss928rfuss928 Member Posts: 1,037
    edited October 2017
    FWIW - The spurting symptom suggests the pump is drawing air at the inlet. 
    This would happen in the DM T@Bs when the connection to the "dip tube" in the removable tank was leaking.
    In addition to making sure the inlet and filter are not obstructed and plumbing is not pinched, check that all inlet fittings and clamps are tight all the way to the FW tank.  Air can enter the inlet due to the suction of the pump through small leaks that might not pass very low pressure water.

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