My name is Theodore, I am have run a few searches on the forum and haven't found this exact information. This will be my first post, so Greetings are in order!
I am wondering about the correct size for this device. I want to do multiple security measures, but I think this will be my primary, instead of the Proven industries hitch lock. I am buying a 2015 little guy outback, with I assume 15 inch wheels.
There seem to be 4 options the WL001, and the WL002 - Both of them coming in a shallow cover and a deep cover.
Here is a picture of my newly acquired tiny home!
Thanks for all you help!
T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner
The above link takes you to the thread where they discuss the Brahma lock. Start at the May 2017 Rhaspbyhonker entry and read the following entries. There is someone with an Outback and many are using the shallow lug cover. Make sure to put it on the passenger side wheel.