
DC battery not working

Hi, totally new to the t@b experience having just purchased a t@b 2008 model Q recently...I seem to be totally flummoxed before I can even get out of the driveway...All systems work fine on AC power, but when I disconnect A/C, I have nothing from my DC battery... I have studied fuse placements for my model and have no in-line fuses on the leads from the battery cable whatsoever...I have studied battery on/off switches but this model doesn't seem to have one. I have brought the battery up to total full charge according to my charger....All fuses in the power converter box seem to be fine...I don't have a clue what to check next...Can anyone offer me some advice on what to try next?  My understanding of the electrical system is next to nil...Thanks in advance for any ideas...stuck in the driveway in Montana..


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