Norcold 2-Way in 2019 T@B 400 Insufficient Cooling

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. On our first trip in our 400 I pre-cooled the Norcold by turning it to the 5 setting the night before we left. We loaded the fridge the next morning an took off. When we got to our campsite the fridge had frozen everything solid. My bad, I set it back to the 3 setting and everything was fine. We have had several trips with the camper now and have repeated the set up procedure, turning on the fridge the night before, except now the fridge is not cooling properly. We bought a thermometer and installed it in the fridge. We have trouble maintaining even 47 degrees, on this trip we are up to 50 degrees in the Norcold. 50 degrees is not acceptable. From my reading the fridge should be between 40 and 45 degrees to keep food from spoiling. Has anyone else experienced this issue?


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    I would file a warranty claim. 

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Just curious, did you load it up with a lot of warm cans of beverage?  Recently, we precooled our ARB, then DH put a bunch of warm beverage cans in it - took a while to return to the set temperature.  I think it is best to put in things that are also pre-cooled.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • bspiglejrbspiglejr Member Posts: 8
    We're seriously considering junking the Norcold and adding extra cabinets.  The fridge pretty much just keeps a temperature about 25-30 degrees colder than ambient temperature.  Here in the Utah desert that means it is usually 60+ degrees during the day and less than 20 degrees at night -- unless we constantly wake up and fiddle with the settings.  It wouldn't work at all on propane so we took it in for repairs and 500 dollars later it works, but not in a way that is particularly useful.  I'm sorry, but I think that's just the way it is for these tiny refrigerators.
  • jpi68jpi68 Member Posts: 80
    We appear to have found a solution to the problem with our Norcold 2-Way.   When I went to preset the Norcold the night before a trip I would turn the control knob all the way up until it stopped. I was thinking this should be the maximum setting, however this only produced the results discussed above.... I don’t why I thought to come up with the next test but I decided to turn the knob down from the pure stop position to approximately the 4.5 setting, Bingo...  The temperature in the fridge drop down to between 36° - 40°....  I don’t know why this worked but it did. 
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