I have a 2019 T@B 320S (purchased in May) that I'm still figuring out. I've taken her out for a few trips and more planned. Thank goodness for a number of people here that have helped me problem solve some fresh water issues. (I'm talking about you
@Sharon_is_SAM and
@Bayliss!) When I commented that they should run a "clinic" so newbies like me can get hands on experience, someone posted that they got some "coaching" from a T@B owner in their area and suggested I put out an all-call and do the same. I still haven't used the Alde for heat (and I know I will need it soon), and I've barely used the shower and have never used the toilet. I've read and re-read the manual and looking at any videos I can find. But, I'm doing everything I can to avoid using these things. Just plain intimidated.
So- are there any veteran T@B owners in the DC metro area that are up for a bit of coaching? I live in Montgomery County and planning another trip in October and I will be boon docking for a few days of that trip.
2014 S Maxx
2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah!
2018 320S Outback
Several folks have suggested (like @ChanW) that I have my dealer go over everything with me. When I purchased it, the salesperson did a walk through with me. When he got to the Alde, he really wasn't that familiar with it and said it was all in the manual. I was never showed where all of the pipes under the cushion were. It was thanks to folks here that I found them.
Just went out for one night with my granddaughter and did not even hook up to water or sewer. And of course, at 4AM..I had to walk her to the bathroom!
Would love to connect and pick your brain. The more I think I know...the more I doubt myself! Thanks.
Rockville, MD (a D.C. suburb)
2018 320S Outback