Getting ready for a trip soon, so I was out checking the T@b’s systems this morning and discovered that the Alde control panel had no power. Checked the various threads here and decided that one or both of the 3.15a Alde fuses needed to be replaced. Power cord is plugged in, no loose connections. I replaced the two original fuses with two spares that Alde had packed inside the black cover. Powered back up and NOTHING. More thread research, then replaced the two replacements with two I got from Amazon. Same result.
I reset the AC breaker for the Alde (it didn’t appear to have tripped, but I did it anyway). My DC fuses aren’t labeled as shown in Fuses For Newbies(see photo below), so if anyone knows which one is the Alde circuit, I’ll try replacing it, I guess.
My warranty is up in a couple of weeks, so I’ll
take T@b to the dealer if necessary, but am hoping I’m missing something
obvious. Any suggestions greatly
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What is your battery voltage?
@Photomom: Good tip on the LEDs -- wasn't aware of that. Just went out and checked the battery voltage. It's 12.5 V. After checking went back to shore power. Alde controller screen inoperative in battery and shore power modes.
@Photomom: Just checked and have good continuity through the thermal fuse. As you suggest, looks like it might be a bad circuit board. I'll put in a call to NuCamp warranty dept. and see what they say. (Just checked my paperwork, and my warranty is up in three days!)
Thanks to all for the many helpful suggestions.
And be sure to watch for static electric shocks that can blow the new circuit board.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
I am running out of time to get someone else to do the repair before we leave on a three-week trip. Local dealer has no openings before we leave, and I can't get any response from the NuCamp service department to my request. Do you think Elsie would send me the board, or should I try to deal directly with Alde?
Thanks for all your helpful suggestions!
The gas lines are so close to the circuit board that you cannot maneuver very well. I’m a woman with small hands, but maneuvering around the LP gas lines was not easy. Had I been comfortable at my abilities to disconnect then reconnect the gas lines, it would have been a 30 minute job.
No, I do not have the paperwork as I left it with my T@B S Max when I traded it in.
2021 T@B 320S Boondock “The T@B”
Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
A quick call to Elsie at NuCamp confirmed that they had a replacement control panel available. As luck would have it, my brother- and sister-in-law are visiting Ohio Amish country today, and will stop by the factory and bring to me this afternoon.
One more thing to think about when the Alde won't work.