BrianZ Thanks for your writeup on installing the Victron BMZ-712. It was very informative and easy to follow. I am looking to install a 500A Victron Smartshunt in my 2018 T@B in the battery box. I really like the black junction box you used in your install. Can you tell me which one it is and where you bought it?
John - Colorado 2019 T@B 320s Boondock 2018 Toyota Tacoma - 6 cyl
After reviewing other installations of this battery monitor, I wanted to share my method, which adds at least one new option.
Hi Bryan,
I apologize for this very basic question but in terms of the shunt one end is connected to the negative terminal of the battery and the other end goes to "all loads and charges in the system". What exactly am I connecting to this end of the shunt? FYI - I have a 2018 400.
Former T@B 400 owner, now thinking about a 320. 2019 Honda Ridgeline.
I may have had to cut some plastic to remove the terminal bar in the center (I've used a similar type box for bus bars & can't recall which one had a couple screws holding the bar in; the other I had to cut).
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
@Michael49, The other shunt terminal (not connected to battery negative) should have connected to it any cables that were previously connected to the battery negative terminal before you added the shunt. This way, those "loads" (ie, negative cables from trailer, etc, that consume power) will run through the shunt before going to the battery negative, so the shunt can measure all of the currents consumed. If one of those negative cables comes from a solar panel, then it would be a charging source rather than a load and supplying power. I'm not familiar with any wiring that might be unique to the 400, so would have to defer to others, but shunt arrangement is the same principle.
PS: I should have mentioned that I later added a second box with "bus bars" to hold all the battery cables, which not only cleaned up the tangle of wires on the battery, but also allowed having just a single pair of cables going into the shunt box. Most of the neg cables from the battery wouldn't even fit the huge lug terminals on the shunt. See both boxes here.. (Again, mine is not a 400 model T@B)
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
@BrianZ Thanks for your quick reply. That absolutely looks like it is the junction box you used. I can cut out the middle to make it work. Have a great day!
John - Colorado 2019 T@B 320s Boondock 2018 Toyota Tacoma - 6 cyl
2019 T@B 320s Boondock
2018 Toyota Tacoma - 6 cyl
Hi Bryan,
I apologize for this very basic question but in terms of the shunt one end is connected to the negative terminal of the battery and the other end goes to "all loads and charges in the system". What exactly am I connecting to this end of the shunt? FYI - I have a 2018 400.
I may have had to cut some plastic to remove the terminal bar in the center (I've used a similar type box for bus bars & can't recall which one had a couple screws holding the bar in; the other I had to cut).
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
The other shunt terminal (not connected to battery negative) should have connected to it any cables that were previously connected to the battery negative terminal before you added the shunt. This way, those "loads" (ie, negative cables from trailer, etc, that consume power) will run through the shunt before going to the battery negative, so the shunt can measure all of the currents consumed. If one of those negative cables comes from a solar panel, then it would be a charging source rather than a load and supplying power.
I'm not familiar with any wiring that might be unique to the 400, so would have to defer to others, but shunt arrangement is the same principle.
I should have mentioned that I later added a second box with "bus bars" to hold all the battery cables, which not only cleaned up the tangle of wires on the battery, but also allowed having just a single pair of cables going into the shunt box. Most of the neg cables from the battery wouldn't even fit the huge lug terminals on the shunt. See both boxes here..
(Again, mine is not a 400 model T@B)
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2019 T@B 320s Boondock
2018 Toyota Tacoma - 6 cyl
I just tracked down my original order, which is now showing the same link..
Looks like the exact same box, as you said. Here are the two boxes I used for wiring..
The box at top (online LED store) that I used for bus bars is slightly larger - 1/4" deeper and 1/2" wider.
I asked about whether they still sell this box I used for bus bars above without cable & they do - see here..
It will be back soon.
Here it is:
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods