Tab 400 - No Manual?

xdrxdr Member Posts: 284
Yet another question for you all! ---Where do you get a TAB manual?

When we got the TAB this weekend, my job was to read the manuals as my husband drove the truck. When we got the packet of information, there was no manual specific to the TAB, only to the components. 

We were both very surprised! Many things are covered in the manuals for the fridge, A/C etc. but there are many things that are camper specfic. For instance, it is not intuitive to know what or what not to use to clean the windows. And if I had not read about the danger of closing the curtains and overlooked the teeny warning sticker, it is very likely we could have closed the shade while we drove and damaged the windows!

I assumed we would learn the details of the water system, winterizing, using the solar and maintaining the batteries, cleaning the exterior, using the jack for changing the tires, products to use to clean the bathroom, toilet, sink, cooktop, etc.. But we didn't get any of that. 

I don't need a huge manual but it does seem odd that there is NO manual. Especially for people like us- we have backpacked, tent camped, had a pop-up camper but are are new to a trailer like the TAB- we could use a little more information.  

Thank you for your patience and help. We are looking forward to the time when we can help others on this forum. 
xdr & mer

2021 2024 T@b 400 Black Canyon, 2020 Ram Rebel 1500  
One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.


  • falcon1970falcon1970 Member Posts: 758
    My manual was on a thumb drive buried at the bottom of the little bag with all of the other manuals.  Apparently not everyone received this.  If you did not, call your dealer or call nuCamp.  In any case it is not very helpful as the manual is very generic and has not been updated since the very first nuCamp TABs.  There are some much better manuals available on this forum.  Look to the left under categories and find "User Manuals/PDF Files/Videos & Resources."
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    Look here. (Scroll down to find the 400s)
    2015 T@B S

  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    The unofficial manual by Awca12a is what you want. None of the stuff you asked about is even in the official manual, so even if you had received one it wouldn't help.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • xdrxdr Member Posts: 284
    I did a search for the manual before posting and didn't even see the User Manual category!
    Thank you, I will look in the links you suggested.
    2021 2024 T@b 400 Black Canyon, 2020 Ram Rebel 1500  
    One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    We get bought a used TaB400, and it came with a printout in a nice binder of the unofficial manual by Awca12a along with the USB key with the official nuCamp manual (looks like a bottle opener).  The former owner did the printout, and I have the pdf saved on my iPad.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • berggerbergger Moderator Posts: 1,078
    T@bs no longer come with a manual. You can download it from their website.  Use the unofficial manual with the downloaded one. 
    2021 T@b 400 BD  "Vixen Gail" 
    2018 Nissan Titan Pro 4X "Big Bird"
    Leadville Colorado
  • xdrxdr Member Posts: 284
    As I went through the Tab. I found the Tab 400 USB included in our packet and we watched part of it yesterday. Unfortunately it was not our model year. We bought the 2021 and the video was for the 2020. 
    So I went to the nuCamp sight to find the manual and it also is outdated. 

    It is ridiculous that we purchased such a well designed, well made camper and it does not come with a manual of some kind! 

    We sold our  pop-up camper this weekend and I gathered all the paperwork to give to the new owners and for this basic pop-up trailer there was a large manual that went over everything in a way that assumes no prior knowledge. 

    We have never owned a camper that required monitoring a battery or dumping a black and gray tank, etc.. I figured any questions we had about operating and maintaining all the systems and functions of the trailer could be answered with a manual. This is crazy they don’t have one!! 
    Can you tell I’m a bit shocked? 

    2021 2024 T@b 400 Black Canyon, 2020 Ram Rebel 1500  
    One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
  • CbusguyCbusguy Member Posts: 771
    We bought a 2020 and was emailed a manual for a 2017 if memory serves.     Generally speaking not much changes year to year and most of the components manuals cover what you need to know.       

    The rest is general RV/travel trailer knowledge,  power management, water management, winterizing and such.     With who they market T@B's at, an in depth manual like you describe might be a good investment for Nucamp.   
    2009 GMC Canyon,   3.7 liter 
    2020 320s Boondock lite, With Lots of mods
  • xdrxdr Member Posts: 284
    So I've been spending the morning reading the manual put out by Awca12a. Wow! What a resource. 

    Thank you 
    Awca12a for taking the time to share this with all.

    Although we have been backpacking, tent camping, Pop-Up camping for decades, w
    e are new to a owning a camper like the TAB 400. This guide is exactly what I was looking for! 

    I appreciate everyone's help in directing us to the information. 
    2021 2024 T@b 400 Black Canyon, 2020 Ram Rebel 1500  
    One man, one woman, two small dogs and a sense of humor.
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