Help! I can’t tell if my hitch coupler is latched on my 2005 T@b 2 inch ball that I just bought used. It seems like the latch handle thing should go down about another half inch past 90 degrees to the position it’s in when it’s not on the ball. Can anyone with a similar t@b look at these pics and tell me if it’s on all the way? When I jack up the tongue with a car jack it raises the ball and the back of my SUV with it, and when I drove forward and reverse a little and slam on the brakes it doesn’t come off or down any further. I tried jumping on it and have put it on the ball 3-4 times every time and it stops this far down each time, but it seems like the handle and ball cradle part should go down as far as it does when there’s no ball on it to be fully locked and safe to drive? I’ve had 2 neighbors look at it who have experience towing trailers and my Dad, and a friend who has a newer t@b with a different hitch mechanism. No one is sure it’s safe to drive like this, but everyone is pretty sure it’s safe. I’d like to know for sure. This is my first time hooking it up by myself after the owner hooked it up the first time 3 weeks ago and showers me how before I drive from Montana where I bought it, back to Washington. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! When the hitch/tongue is not on the ball the hitch coupler handle thing is about 1.5 inch higher than the tongue, when it appears latched onto the ball it is only going down to about 1 and 7/8 inches or so higher than the tongue as you can see in the pics.
Post edited to resize photos. 

Be sure to lubricate the sliding coupler grease fittings and assure the brakes are properly adjusted. There are instructions in the User manual files
2022 Nissan Frontier 4D 4x4. 2005 T@b T2
Powhatan, Virginia (Just west of Richmond)
2 Canine traveling companions - Luke and Solomon
2007 Dutchmen T@B Clamshell #2741
2022 nuCamp T@B 320 CS-S
2021 F-150 502A Lariat SuperCrew, 3.5 EcoBoost 4x2
Harvest, AL
The handle and latching mechanism is spring loaded closed and requires lifting then tilting to unlatch. I have 70k+ miles of towing experience with our T@B with no problems with secure connection. I have never used the lock cylinder except to tryout for function.
Replacement cylinder and key sets are available for ~$10
2007 Dutchmen T@B Clamshell #2741
2022 nuCamp T@B 320 CS-S
2021 F-150 502A Lariat SuperCrew, 3.5 EcoBoost 4x2
Harvest, AL