Departure angle for Tab 400 Boondock?

rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
edited January 2021 in Trailer & Towing
I have this same question posted to nuCamp support but thought I'd ask you all for some feedback while I wait for their response.
We have our 2021 400 Boondock on order and were wondering what angle the Tab can clear while being towed before risking scraping the back bumper. We would like to store it at our home but need a little help with the logistics so we don't find ourselves stuck. Width-wise, it looks snug but we have about a foot on either side based on the 7'6" width of the Tab 400.
Our driveway has an initial 12 degree uphill slope after the sidewalk before the driveway levels back out. We plan to drive straight into our driveway into our backyard, where the driveway widens to two lanes where we can disconnect and dolly the 400 into a parking spot next to our garage using a trailer valet. Then when we want to go camping, we plan on spinning the camper around in the back yard before hooking up to our TV so we can leave straight out of the driveway.
While we are fairly confident we can get into our driveway, we are concerned with potentially scraping the back bumper on the way out....specifically, when the Tab's tires reach the sidewalk while the back of the camper is still hanging over the slanted part of our driveway. Am I overthinking this or should this slope be nothing to worry about?

2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO


  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,749
    Suggest you contact NüCamp Support and ask.
    They have provided the Angle of Departure for other owners/models.


    If a dealer is nearby with a 400 BD on the lot you could also measure the angle yourself.
    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited January 2021
    The 2021 TaB 400:had its axle moved forward a few inches, so you will need to get the distance from the rear of the TaB  to the center of the axle.  Then you need the height of the back when the trailer is level.  Then you should be able to work out where the back of the tab will be on the driveway incline, when the wheels,hit the level area coming off the grade.  

    You can take a 2x4 the same length as the wheel axle to rear measurement, lift it off the ground by the trailer’s height at the back while over the level bit at the sidewalk.  With the 2x4 level, you can see where it hits the driveway ramp area, or if it will clear it.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2021
    Unfortunately, there are no models available in our area for direct reference. I did hear back from support stating the 2021 Tab 400 Boondock has a 32 degree departure angle. Looking at pics online I am estimating about 21 degrees...odd.

    -edit-  nucamp support is now confirming closer to 17 degrees, not 32. The plot thickens
    2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited January 2021
    rhyno, you only need someone here on the forum with a 2021 TaB 400 to give you the two measurements.  Then get a 2x4 the correct length and give it a go in the driveway and see.  I can give you the height, buy my axle is further back then the 2021 model.  Do you know the height of the top,of,the driveway where it angles down from the sidewalk?  Get this and make a scale drawing and you can work out the angles too, or make a scale TaB profile cutout a d test on the scale drawing of the drive.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • kbdigitiqekbdigitiqe Member Posts: 170
    Hey all! I have a question to piggyback on this post.. sorry! 

    Our driveway is slightly less steep that this one and we are wondering if y’all think it’s possible to manually push the 400 up it? Our parking situation is going to be extremely tight (1-2” tolerances on the sides) and we want to do it manually if possible. 

  • 4ncar4ncar Member Posts: 1,072
    @kbdigitiqe: I would advise against trying to push a 400 up any grade. Several thousand pounds is a lot that can get away from you in a hurry, and once it’s moving(the wrong way) there’s no stopping it.
    TV- '16 Chevy Colorado LT Crew Cab-DuraMax
    2018 320S Outback
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    Hey all! I have a question to piggyback on this post.. sorry! 

    Our driveway is slightly less steep that this one and we are wondering if y’all think it’s possible to manually push the 400 up it? Our parking situation is going to be extremely tight (1-2” tolerances on the sides) and we want to do it manually if possible. 

    Agree with @4ncar here. If you cannot use a tow vehicle for this (and not all of us can, some driveways are tough for traditional backing in), you may want to look into either a motorized jack such as the Trailer Valet, or a remote trailer mover such as the Purpleline.
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • MuttonChopsMuttonChops Member Posts: 1,749
    kbdigitiqe said:
    . . . driveway is slightly less steep that this one and
    we are wondering if y’all think it’s possible to manually push the 400 up it?
    LOL, are you and the other half of 'we' both active Football Players; ideally linemen.

    While I can roll my 320 round on level pavement it's very difficult to even get one wheel up onto a 1-inch ramped leveling block manually with one person  {clearly that was attempted (&completed) after TV was uncoupled and T@B rotated for a better view}

    '18 320 Spitched axle, 3020HE; PNW based
    TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
    Adventures:  55   Nights:  376  Towing Miles 46,920
  • kbdigitiqekbdigitiqe Member Posts: 170
    LOL indeed! Thanks all  B)
  • patandjeffpatandjeff Member Posts: 17
    looks like no problem   ... to me ,,, we have a reg 400 , our drive has a bigger hump
    T@B 400 , Tundra 
  • rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2021
    @kbdigitiqe   - I would not push that much weight around up any incline. We bought a Trailer Valet 5X to move our Tab around on flat surfaces once we're in the back yard. The 5X can handle a slight slope based on videos I've seen online.

    For a more official word on that, you might check with them to see if one of their products might work for you. From their FAQ: "Each Trailer Valet model can handle its own degree of slope depending on the weight of the trailer and tongue, surface type, and trailer weight distribution. We welcome you to send our support team a picture of the full surface (with clear surface type and angle of slope) including your trailer specs. We can help determine suitability for any of our products and make a recommendation."
    2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO
  • rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2021
    While working with nuCamp support late last week, I measured the departure angles based on side view pictures of 2021 400 Boondocks online.  I was getting between 17 and 21 degrees for the angles from center of hub to the rear jack and rear bumper, respectively. This is not anywhere near the 32 degrees for angle of departure provided from NuCamp support. After passing this on to support, they confirmed that the low point is the rear jacks, not the bumper as they had previously stated and that the angle of departure is about 17 degrees. They now have R&D engaged and working to verify this since this differs from their internally documented specs. They will get back with me this week.
    While I'm waiting for word back from NuCamp, I would like to get a closer to real-world measurement from someone who has a 2021 400 with batteries, gear, etc loaded in their coach. With our driveway at 12 degrees, I measured with a 2x4 (thanks @Denny16) and figured we have a minimum of about 5" of clearance if the true angle of departure turns out to be 17 degrees, and load doesn't compress the 400s suspension too much. Could someone please confirm the following for their 2021?
    Measurement from center of hub to rear stabilizer jack: 55 inches
    Measurement from ground to rear stabilizer jack: 17 inches
    Measurement from center of hub to rear bumper: 84 inches
    Measurement from ground to bottom of rear bumper: 32 inches
    2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO
  • rhynorhyno Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2021
    Just realized I didn't update this thread. nuCamp support confirmed that the actual departure angle for the 2021 T@B 400 is 18 degrees.
    2021 T@B 400 BD, 2021 Lexus GX 460, Kansas City MO
  • b407driverb407driver Member Posts: 138
    I've had mine off-road (not just dirt roads), and you're extremely unlikely to ever drag the rear end. What you are likely to do is drag the front BAL leveler legs, necessitating their replacement ($200). It's really the feet that catch, so I replaced the bolts with quick releases. 

    Your driveway situation sounds like a pain, but nice not to have to pay to store your trailer. 
    2020 T@B400 Boondock Lite w/solar, TV is 2016 Toyota 4Runner TRD
    Jeff --Front Range of Colorado
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited September 2022
    The measured departure angle on our TaB400 before adding the Boondock,axle was 18-degrees.  With the Boondock axle 2018-2020 on the TaB400s, the angle should be closer to 20-degrees.  On the newer TaB400s with the shorted axle, you are going to be less.  So a 2021 TaB400 Boondock, would be around 17-18 percent.  
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
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