I am a newbie. Just got a 2021 T@B 320s and need to know how to plan a safe route so I don't have alot of steep grades bridges, sharp curves, etc until I am better experienced driving with a trailer. My TV is a 2017 Subaru outback with a Curt wireless brake controller which I also have to learn to use effectively. Appreciate all advise you have to offer

2018 320S Outback
Each state has a Dept of Transportation. Somewhere on their website they will have info about road closures. In many states (Colorado being a good example) the also show gradients on the roads, It is a pain if you are planning a trip through several states, and you usually have to search around to find it but the info is there somewhere.
2018 320S Outback
just this way you are on family grounds.
2018 TAB 320 Boondock (previous)
Odessa, Fl.
2018 TAB 320 Boondock (previous)
Odessa, Fl.
I have a tendency to keep cars for a very long time. In you case, you may consider upgrading to the Outback Onyx XT. It has a higher tow capacity. You would have more power, larger brakes and, being turbocharged, you have full power to what ever elevation the road will go. Turbo charging makes a significant difference in the mountains.
Enjoy your trailer.
"Just Enough"
You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you!
Boston Northshore
I live at an altitude of 4800 feet and only go up from there. I find if I take my time, stay below 65 mph, tow with no water on board, and put my car in a lower gear, I have had no problems towing up or down some of the scarier passes in the area.