On my new Max Air fan I mounted the rear facing camera so my Garmin GPS in the Jeep can see behind my 320. I also installed a switch and fuse holder so I can turn it off when not driving from inside the T@B. The switch is right in the fan where I also spliced in to get 12 volts to run camera without having to run more power wires. All wires are hidden.

Now all I have to do is mount the new fan onto the roof of the T@B which in my younger days would have been easy! Art
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
Sm@ll World: 2021 320S Boondock, 6V Pb-acid
Shunt, Roof & Remote solar & 30A DC-DC Chargers
managed by VE Smart Network
I used a similar location for mine about a year ago, but wired to the running lights..
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2020 nuCamp T@B 320S * Jeep Wrangler