@pthomas745, Have you seen how I made ours easier to check without unscrewing the panel? It has a light switch & peephole for a quick view of the glycol level..
@Brianz yes, I even had that post bookmarked and forgot it. I've been thinking about the glycol exchange recently, and that was what made me comment here. Thanks!
A very clever solution @SLJ! My fix was far less elegant, but a bit simpler.
I replaced the screws holding the panel in place with three dowel hangers. The panel is now held by stainless cap screws (with washers), making removal a bit easier, though still requiring tools. I actually posted photos of the mod here on the forum, but failed to bookmark them.
2021 T@B 320 S Boondock / 2022 Telluride - Phillies/Eagles/Flyers Country
Almost forgot.. Nice job, SLJ! Gee, that port hole looks familiar to me for some reason. 🤔 Also, thanks for reminding me that I had forgotten that I intended to improve access to our own glycol tank.
-Brian in Chester, Virginia TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6) RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
New to the group and appreciate the insight into using the Aldi system. My question. Once you remove the board behind the toilet to have access to the Glycol reservoir. The exterior seals come off and are hard to place back. And if you want to rinse down with a shower head; I doubt one breaking the seal will stop water from entering. Please any suggestion other than Not Take A shower lol
@SLJ I bought a port and intend to follow in your footsteps. This will be in addition to the flexible plastic mirror I already installed to make it easer to see the level in the reservoir.
2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
2023 Ford Maverick XLT
The Finger Lakes of New York
2024 Ford F150 Supercrew short bed.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
Also, thanks for reminding me that I had forgotten that I intended to improve access to our own glycol tank.
TV: 2005 Toyota Sienna LE (3.3L V6)
RV: 2018 T@B 320S, >100 mods
2023 T@B 320 S Boondock