Tab 320S, Screen Door Removal

RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
I have a broken cord in my screen door.  I've reviewed the very helpful information from ScottG and others but do not see information on how to remove the screen door in a tab 320S (2019).  I would greatly appreciate it if others could direct me to this information if it has been posted and / or offer directions on how this can be done. The difficulty I see is beside the fridge and gaining access to the two screws behind the screen door mesh that attach to a metal plate.


2019 TAB 320s
Vancouver Island


  • RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
    I just found the following from an earlier post by Tabaz which says that I do not have to remove the side screws! I will give this a try.

    Tabaz said:
    The screen door can be removed as follows: remove the two plastic end caps at the top of the door.  Remove each screw holding the end pieces to the trailer wall.  Locate the two screws holding the bottom aluminum sill to the floor (use a flat head screwdriver to locate them under the fuzzy weatherstripping).  Lift the door up and out. No side screws need to be removed. You’ll see why with the door removed.

    2019 TAB 320s
    Vancouver Island
  • BaylissBayliss Member Posts: 1,364
    @RetireeBC, the below photos are from my 2019 320 S.  I figured someone would need them some day, so you are the beneficiary.  Congratulations!!

    The screen door is a self-contained unit and comes out in one piece.

    There are two screws in the lower track (square Robertson type heads, so you will need the #2 Robertson screw bit to remove them)  The screws are concealed beneath the fuzz in the screen door track.  The screen door remains retracted while you remove/replace its plastic frame and the string will remain in place when you remove the screen door.

    If you have a fire extinguisher next to the screen door (as depicted below), remove it and its holder (which is attached with the same type screws.)  You will need it out of the way when you remove the screen door.

    Also in the track is the string for the screen door (allows the screen to open and retract.)  Use a thin screwdriver to lift the string up out of the track slightly so you can move it to the side while you remove (and later replace) the two screws.  Once the screws are out, just let the string drop back down into the track.  Use a good flashlight to see the two screw holes while you are replacing the screws.  Make sure don't tighten the screws down onto the string.  The string should hang freely above the screw heads after they are replaced.

    Next, gently pop off the covers located at the top right and left corners of the screen door frame to reveal one screw at each corner.  Just bend the edges slightly toward you as you pull each cap toward you to get it off.  They are held in place with some small tabs, but they pop off easily.  Next, remove the screws (one at each upper corner.)  They only go into the wall, so not much is holding them in place.  If, when you replace them, they do not seem to be holding the screen door frame well, you can use some short plastic drywall screw inserts/anchors to provide the screws something to grab onto.  Since this is likely the first time you will have removed the screen door, they should hold OK. 

    The last step is to lift the screen door frame up and toward you (when standing inside the trailer entry.)  At the top center of the photo below, you can see a small metal post that the plastic frame is supported by (on both sides of the door frame.)  Just grab both sides of the screen door frame and lift it up slightly and pull the frame toward you and off the posts.

    Pretty easy.  Just reverse the process to replace the screen door.  Good luck!

    2019 T@B 320 S Boondock Lite2025 Toyota Tundra CrewMax 4x4
    (Alde: 3020; Refrig: Isotherm Cruise 65 Eleg; Battery: BB 100Ah LiFePo4; Solar: Renogy 100Ah Suitcase; Victron BMV-712; Pwr Cntr: PD-4135KW2B; EMS: PI-HW30C)
    Greg & Marlene (Tucson, AZ)

  • RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
    Worked like a charm. Much easier than I thought it was going to be.
    2019 TAB 320s
    Vancouver Island
  • RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
    @Bayliss Thanks so much for your pictures. It really helped. Now all I have to do is replace the broken cord. Cheers.
    2019 TAB 320s
    Vancouver Island
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    @RetireeBC, glad you got the door off without incident. Replacing the string can be tricky, but it's doable. Just take you time and think everything through carefully. Feel free to post any questions or issues you encounter.
    2015 T@B S

  • RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
    A question on the bottom tensioner. I don't see a flange to run the cord around and back to the tensioner as there is on the top?  Can someone advise how this is done?

    2019 TAB 320s
    Vancouver Island
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    I believe the bottom had a post of some sort associated with the lower rivet holding the bottom and right side frame pieces together.  I mangled mine when I drilled the rivet and had to fashion a replacement. See comments starting here.
    2015 T@B S

  • RetireeBCRetireeBC Member Posts: 66
    Right.  Thanks Scott.
    2019 TAB 320s
    Vancouver Island
  • 4DogHouse4DogHouse Member Posts: 2
    Wow, Thank you Thank you!
    I took my screen door & frame out. The screen door was miserably broken by a dear friend who tried opening it from the wrong side.  
    I have a velcro top/sides, magnetic middle strip and weighted bottom screen! 
    I have to only trim the bottom. The width 24" worked perfect! 
    Sue Oldani
  • 4DogHouse4DogHouse Member Posts: 2

    It takes up a lot less space and is NOT so delicate as the originally installed screen door.
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