Help 2021 320 S Exterior Side Walls

Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
Hello Everyone,

I purchased the 2021 Tab 320 s last month, and this weekend I was walking around looking at my tab, and found what appears to be water damaged spots in the material on both exterior side walls, it actually looks a lot worse when looking upwards at an angle from close range like shown on the pictures, however when you stand back a few feet it is hard to see and it does not look as bad. (Please see attached pictures)

I emailed NuCamp support and opened a ticket, asking what type of product/material was used on the 2021 Tab 320 s exterior side walls, and if the damage was covered under warranty. While I am waiting for a response I am thinking of contacting someone in RV/Boat detailing to test a small area of the tab to see if we can get rid of it.

Please, if any of you had similar issues with what looks like water damage on you 320 tab exterior side walls please let me know. 

Thank you,

Carl   MrT “MrT”

Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
”V1 Rotate”


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    edited August 2023
    I was recently in L.A. We took my niece’s car and had it hand washed.  When we picked it up, the passenger side had residual water spots that did not wash out.  The attendant said it was due to parking next to a sprinkler and said it would require a special treatment to remove.  Any chance it was exposed to a sprinkler or someone spraying lawn chemicals?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    This looks like hard water spots. They make a specific cleaner/polish for rv sidewalls that might remove it. Start with the least caustic stuff first. Vinegar is the first thing I try and then move up from there. 
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    Sam, Manyman297, thank both for your responses, I purchased my 2021tab 320  the first week of July and since it has been parked on my driveway, I have no sprinkler spraying near it. It has been very hot here in the Space Coast of Florida with temperatures in the upper 90’s it has been like that for weeks it rained like buckets, and temperatures felt like in hundreds, I do not how the tab is only 2 1/2 years old, and I am getting this type of damage is unusual, specially since no one had this experience this or similar issues in this Tab Forum.

    I am thinking that the water drops on the side walls once it stops raining and, while drying with the super hot sun shining through the rain drops may become tiny magnifying glasses and burning into the clear coat with the sun, just a thought.

    I finally got two responses from NuCamp, first they  stated the exterior was Fiberglass Gelcoat and recommended any car wax. The second email stated the exterior side walls were Clear Coat and to try a small area with Charcoal Lighter Fluid, and if that didn’t work, I will need to take it to a body shop, Great! So I am more confused now since the manufacturer does not know or is not sure of the material used on the tab ext side walls.

    Manyman297, I will definitely try your suggestion, Thank you

    I made a couple mobile detailer appointments to see if they can help me with this issue hopefully it does not require taking it to a body shop. 

    Again thank you

    MrT Carl

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @MrT - Gelcoat is the clear coat on the fiberglass.  I googled “lighter fluid to clean gelcoat” and it turns out that it does not damage the finish.  There is a lot of info on the web for cleaning fiberglass with a gelcoat finish.  An RV forum mentioned using Simple Green with a magic eraser.  Lots of articles via marine websites, too.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    Sam, thank you for the clarification, I love this forum👍
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    Sam, have you heard if anyone had their tab ceramic coated.  The detailer told me it would protected it for about three years. What do you think?
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Here is a discussion regarding ceramic coating.  
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    How did the previous owner store it? Is it possible you missed the water spots or are they pretty obvious in any light? The magnifying/raindrop theory probably isn't anything...if it were then every RV would have this issue. The faded areas around the spots look like the finish is faded. Am I seeing that correctly? 
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    Sam, that is exactly what I am going to do, but first I got to work on the sealant on the edge of the side wall to aluminum trim, the old sealant is separating and shrinking. 
    I began to remove the old sealant with a phenolic scraper, and is coming out very easy of course with the help from Mr. sun, I will be applying the Geocel Proflex RV GC-28900 clear recommended by NuCamp in its place. The pictures shows some of the edge with the old sealant I can’t believe the sealant is that bad after just a few years. Once I get it all done I will post the pictures.

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    @MrT - you bought a used TaB.  Was it parked in the sun by the previous owner?  I think extreme heat may account for the separation of the caulk from the Keder trim.  Good thing you noticed this.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2023
    @Sam@manyman297-Not sure how the previous owner (Tab Forum  “NovaTab”) stored it, but when we first looked at the Tab it was sitting on a gravel  couple acres lot and sunny, it does not appear he waxed it often.
    The water damage is more visible when close to it and at an angle, but not very obvious when looking straight at it the sunlight, however it definitely shows more in the shade. I agree with you, the finish looks a bit faded. My bad I should have done a better job inspecting it especially with my background.
    The rain drop was just a though.

    Thank you,

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Basil48192Basil48192 Member Posts: 350
    @MrT - I am not an expert on fiberglass clear/gel coat finishes, but I would try everything else before using the Magic Eraser.  Those things work reall well around the house, but they are abrasive.  I'm sure that after using it on you camper finish, you would have to rub out the finish with a polishing compound to remove the microscopic scratches from the eraser.  Just my 2 cents.  
    Once you get the spots out, I totally agree with Sharon_is_Sam...wash and wax often with a good quality automotive paste wax.  

  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2023
    @Basil48192 -  I agree with you, I will not be using the Magic Eraser. I had a professional RV detailer come over to  look at the tab, he said he could have it looking like new plus he could apply a Ceramic Coating that would last up to three years, I felt great with he assessment and I believe I can trust him because he has over 20 years experience detailing RVs, plus very positive reviews. 
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    Your sealant appears to be in very bad shape for two years of use. I wonder if the previous owner had it facing the western sun? That would explain the baking on of hard water spots too. 

    Ours takes a fairly good beating by the sun between maybe 2-7pm in the summer and I’ve already had to redo the driver-side windows twice and I just redid the keder trim sealant this year for the first time. Ours is a 2021 400.

    Sounds like you have a good tech that can fix it though. 
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2023
     @Manyman-297 Yes I was surprised when I found the sealant in such a bad shape for two years , I will call the previous owner and  ask, but I doubt he would tell me, he mention that the trailer only had 4000 miles on it, I don’t believe that at all.

    I don’t have anyone to do the Sealant, however I have done many caulking jobs, I am a FAA certified mechanic with over 45 years of Aviation maintenance and Avionics on heavy jets, but I am upset because I should have found the issues before purchasing it.

    We were so excited with the tab that I didn’t pay attention to detail, the Tab was only  2 1/2 years old so I thought was in good condition.
    Once I get done with the sealant I will post the finish product, by the way the tech I have is an Advanced RV detailer he will Polish and Ceramic coating, can’t wait.

    These issues  makes me wonder what else is wrong with my tab, the previous owner may not have followed the manufacturer maintenance recommendations , an if he did it does show.

    The attached pictures shows where I started removing the sealant, I have completed the entire driver side top of keder trim to each bottom corner, the old sealant is very ease to remove specially with the hot sun hitting it.

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • otr_320otr_320 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2023
    We've owned a number of travel trailers, 5th wheels, and truck campers.  There's *always* a seam opening up somewhere if we look hard enough---even on fiberglass, clam-shell units.  It's constant work to really stay on top of it.  Very few folks take the time.

    A bummer to have to start working on your new-to-you 320 right after purchasing it.  If it's any consolation we just purchased a new 2023 320 with a production date of 12/22.  As soon as we got home from the dealer we had to reseal the bathroom window and about 15 ft of various exterior trim.  We saw it during the PDI, but elected to take care of it ourselves.  Very few dealers take the time to match OEM sealants--many slap on silicone or whatever's handy and call it a day.

    It is what it is.

    One of the major reasons we purchased the 320 was the ability to store it in our garage.  Fingers crossed it means less time maintaining . . . and more time having fun.
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    We were so happy when we purchased our tab, and now that I see how much maintenance is required it reminds of my boat days the big money hole in the ocean. 
    I am Sorry to heard you have similar issues, specially with the purchased of a new 2023, since 12/22 it probably sat under weathers on the lot, and then they sold it you, go figure…

    Like you we have a garage in the backyard, hopefully we can park my tab by next weekend, we are limited to space, plus my back is not the greatest, so I am going to need an electric dolly to assist me in moving the tab in tight space. The unit I got my eyes on is very expensive but it will do the job, in the long run it would save my tab from damage and maintenance which would also safe me money's. Here is the dolly I am considering:

    Luckily I was able to contacted NuCamp to find out what Sealant they use in manufacturing, I was a bit worried before applying the good old silicone, here is the product info they sent me in a email (Geocel Proflex RV),

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Basil48192Basil48192 Member Posts: 350
    @MrT - Just a few tips about working with the Geocel (from another recent post). 
    -Make sure all of your joints are clean and ready for the sealant before opening the tube.  I found that the Geocel tends to thicken up and become harder to work with if you let the tube 'sit around' for too long.  
    -Try to keep your tip and bead relatively small and minimize 'working' it after laying your bead.  Another member mentioned using mineral spirits as opposed to the 'wet finger' approach.  
    -If you use painters tape, be sure to pull it off quickly, once your bead is finished.  If you wait too long, the sealant will start setting up and will pull away from the joint as you removed the tape.  I initially tried the tape, but didn't like the results.  
    Good luck!

  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    Basil48192- You are correct the application time is reduced by the outside temp, here in  Cocoa Florida the temperature has been 115deg feel like. I have worked with all types of sealants and other chemicals in aviation, and we also use the two tape method, because of the heat causing it to set faster I will be using a small bead, and 50/50 dish soap/water, it will leave a nice smooth finish surface.
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    @MrT Yeah, I wouldn’t beat yourself up. There’s so much to check on these when buying used that you’re bound to overlook things. It’s overwhelming.

    I’ve been going through my own sealant nightmare. The driver side gets a good amount of sun. I’ve owned the trailer for a little over two year and I’ve had to reseal the windows twice and the keder rail once.

    A warning about Geocel (at least their 2300 MHRV product) is that in my case it has not performed well at all. I may even need to redo the passenger side window and keder rail before the end of the season if I have time. 

    I ended up going with Sikaflex 221. It comes in gray which is a bonus for aesthetics. I didn’t like the way the Geocel tooled. It developed a skin very quickly where the Sika remained workable for longer. The Geocel is like a hard putty in a way which does make it easy to remove but mine cracked pretty quickly. The Sika feels more like silicone in a good way. We’ll see how it holds up.
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    @manyman297. I am not using the Geocel 2300, I heard it’s not the best specially in this application . NuCamp recommends using Geocel Proflex RV GC-28900 Clear, which is what they use currently,
    Here is the product site:

    The Geocel 28900 series is plastic tube and the 28100 series utilizes a cardboard tube which gets damaged easily. The GC28900 is hard to find, we found it at Beckleys Camping Center online, they have all three colors.

    I purchased Clear for Keder rail and Almond for the inside bathroom and kitchen areas, but if I have issues right away I will R&R. I would have try the Sikaflex 221 but it will be hard to R&R, it reminds me of the marine 3M 5200 is on for ever and very hard to remove.

    Hopefully by next week I’ll be moving the Tab in large garage which will allowed me to repair everything while under cover from the hot Florida weather.
    Sorry for the venting!

    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    @MrT Good luck with your application. They must’ve switched to proflex recently. Ours had 2300 MHRV in silver for the keder rail and windows. Stuff doesn’t hold up well but luckily it’s not too hard to remove. 

    Yes, we’ll see how hard this Sikaflex is to remove hopefully in at least a couple of years. Any less and I’ll be pretty disappointed. Our trailer sits outside full time so the sun is brutal. 

    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    @manyman297. We finally got the Tab in the backyard garage, it wasn’t too bad, I had to use plywood on the grass to extend the back garage ramp which is only 4 Feet.
    I pulled the tab to the front of the back garage with my pickup, and then pulled it in with it the new Parkit 360 Force 5K, electric dolly which worked like a dream, it was expensive but it will pay off in the long run, Amazon has it on sell now for $750 off reg price. You can see it in the attached pictures.
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • SLJSLJ Member Posts: 585
    Try some 303 on a small area. It's what's often used on canoe gelcoats to restore and protect the finish. I use it on my canoe hulls and my T@B for UV protection.
    Picture of the wall material:

    2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
    2025 KZ Sportsmen 130RD
    2023 Ford Maverick XLT
    The Finger Lakes of New York
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    @SLJ. Thanks I will try it in the future, for now I have scheduled a full detailed and ceramic coating with a local reputable RV detailer.
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    After lots of sweating I finished caulking the Keder trim on both sides, I used clear Geocel which made the application easier, I used blue tape on both sides but beware you will need to be quick applying it because of the set time. 
    I did it in sections, so the tape does not lift the sealant, I am happy with the results. 


    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
  • manyman297manyman297 Member Posts: 1,377
    Just thought I’d update this thread about my experience with Sikaflex 221….avoid at all costs when using this on your porthole windows. 

    For some reason it didn’t adhere to the acrylic. It stuck fine to the body and metal trim but it’s already separating from the windows. 

    So next spring I need a plan B which might just mean going back to Geocel.

    Again it seemed to work fine on metal and gelcoat so I’ll use it there.
    2021 400 BD
    2020 Tacoma TRD Off-Road 
  • Clipper_OneClipper_One Member Posts: 40
    edited February 2024
    The exterior water spots came out, it was only surface spots from the rain and sun drying it out quickly oxidation. The entire TAB was professionally polished and ceramic coated witch will last over three tears if kept in the garage, it looks brand new now you can see your self like a mirror. 
    Unfortunately all that work was done so someone else can enjoyed it. 
    I must sell, my Wife was diagnosed with rapid dementia, and I am selling everything thing with the sale, I’m now including the Parkit360 Force 5K Power Dolly mover for Boats +RV Trailers a $1600.00 value. Best thing I have ever own. Please see the For Sale I posted in this forum under the “tab new/used Trailers” Help! If you know someone that is looking for one, the TAB is in perfect like showroom condition, and everything works 100%. 
    Carl / 2021 T@B 320 S BD / 2021 Ford Explorer XLT / Port St John, Florida
    ”V1 Rotate”
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