2017 320 CS Alde fuse issue(s)

Alde control panel update pre first spring campout (next week, aiiee!).

Our 2017 320 CS has an appetite for the 3.15A fuses that fit in the green fuse holders on the top of the main Alde unit.

Just used my last Bussman GDB-3.15A in the left fuse holder... which revived the Alde 3010 Control Panel, thank heavens.

Anyone else experiencing similar dead Alde/dead Control Panel problems that blow the LEFT fuse?  Trying to isolate what's regularly blowing this fuse.  (Of course the next box of fuses haven't arrived yet.)

Have been reading forum posts on Alde troubleshooting, trying to make a checklist to reduce downtime.



  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,065
    edited March 2023
    The fuses in the 3010 models are famous for blowing fuses.  It is a long story, but a pretty well known one. This thread is one that recounts the story and provides some avenues that might help. This thread will have the "short version" of the story.
    This thread is the longer version of the story, with more info about how the Forum owners worked this all out.
    This is the really short version: change over to "slow blow" fuses of the same type, which you can find here.
      In my 2017, I haven't blown a fuse since I switched to "slow blow".
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • mmcneil72mmcneil72 Member Posts: 48
    Here we go again.  Had managed to keep fuses from blowing in our 2017 320 CS-C  by following this routine:

    1. Everything off while towing and 7 pin trailer connector connected.
    2. Disconnect 7 pin trailer connector once stopped.
    3. Turn on main battery switch.
    4. Turn on Aldi LCD.

    This worked perfectly in two earlier camping trips this year.

    Today while checking things out for the last 2023 camping trip, everything off and I hooked up the electrical connector.  Heard a small pop when plugging in the extension cord.  Turned on the main battery switch, then checked the Aldi LCD - nothing.  Checked the leftmost fuse - the one that always blows - and yep, blown.

    This time I have a nice box full of the necessary Eaton/Bussman GDB-3.15A fuses, but replacing the @#$% fuse in the 320 CS is a gymnastic exercise I can do without.

    What steps should I take when connecting the electrical when we get to the campground?  TOMORROW of course.

  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    I have also noticed that "pop" when plugging into a live receptacle. It's disconcerting. As a general rule, I always flip the breaker OFF when plugging in or unplugging. 
    2015 T@B S

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    edited September 2023
    @mmcneil72 - it sounds like you are towing with the battery switch off.  You really should tow with the battery switch on.  Not only does this allow for charging while en route, it provides power to the break away brake switch in the event of a separation of the TaB from the TV.  

    We had nuCamp run a ground wire from the Alde to the battery ground a couple years ago.  Besides that, we do the same as you - before disconnecting from any shorepower, turn off any loads.  This helps prevent a large draw (and blown fuse) the next time we plug in.

    I agree with Scott.  Make sure the campground pedestal is off before plugging in.  Are you using a surge protector?
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • mmcneil72mmcneil72 Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2023
    Hmm; thought the battery switch needed to be off when towing.  Will change that today.

    Yes we use a surge protector and yes we make sure the campground circuit breaker is off before plugging in.

    Would be less of a PITA if we didn't leave the 320 dinette set up as our bed and/or that dang left fuse was more accessible.  We're seldom inside the trailer before dark unless weather or critters (this is bear country and they are trying fatten up before winter) send us there.

    Will order some slow blow fuses over the winter - any sources besides Amazon?

    Thanks again!

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