Alde Heat System. Furnace runs, no circulation of glycol.

I have a 2019 Tab@400 purchased used this year. Alde heat with Alde Flow. I am not familiar with these systems. When the temperature setting calls for heat the furnace fire but does not circulate. I can see the pump circulation icon on the control panel but the radiators remain cold. Can the pump be tested? Is it on a fuse? Any input is welcome. Thanks.


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,792
    Hi @TomOB.
    1.  Check the glycol level.  It should be just over the minimum mark on the reservoir.
    2.  How long did you wait?  It takes time for the glycol to heat and longer to warm the cabin.
    3.  What setting is the glycol pump?  The Alde control panel does not control the pump setting.  You need to local the pump next to the Alde.
    4.  Are you getting hot water?

    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,060
    The Alde makes very subtle noises. 
    If you are running on propane, you say you hear the "furnace fire" but there is no "circulation."  On propane, there are two things you will hear: the Alde exhaust fan, and the Alde glycol pump.  The exhaust fan should be fairly obvious.  If you step outside the trailer, on the driver's side of the trailer where the exhaust outlet is, you should be able to feel the exhaust from the Alde coming through the "port".
    The glycol pump is down alongside the Alde, and is a bit harder to hear.  You should: open up the Alde compartment and give everything a listen.  The area near the Alde should be warm, and the glycol hoses should also be warm. Thread below shows the glycol pump and how to check the speed setting. 
    The glycol is what actually heats the trailer.  Without enough glycol, there will be less heat.  Find your expansion tank when the Alde is cold and check the glycol level.
    The Alde can get a little lost if: the wrong buttons or settings are pressed, since one simple looking setting can effect the entire heating/hot water settings.  If you have asked for the "Extra Hot Water" boost, where the hot water "icon" on the panel is "full"......the glycol pump turns off for 30 minutes.  Stuff like that. 
    You can see if the Alde is actually heating in the "Service" section of the "Tools" menu.  Find the "cog" on the bottom right of the main menu, and "page down" until you see the service menu.  The glycol and hot water temps will tell you that the Alde is actually working.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
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