Raising one side...12"!

I admire the creativity, intelligence, and comaradery on this forum...  We're fortunate we can store our T@B behind our house, just off the road...but we live on the side of a mountain, so our T@B tilts hard to starboard...about 12".  It doesn't seem to be a problem, BUT...I worry a little about that right tire (we store for 6 months), it's a pain to get in/out for cleaning and maintenance, and it's inconvenient for purging/draining pipes (most drains are on the left side).  Seems I have two options to raise the right side...build a (long) riser ramp, or jack it up and put blocks under the tire or a jack stand under the axle/frame.  Any suggestions?

J.D. & Sue

Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...


  • jbug10jbug10 Member Posts: 156

    I read in a discussion about greasing wheel bearings that T@b's should never be jacked up under the axle.  Something about it being a hollow tube that can be crushed.  Where should the jacks be placed if not under the axle?

    June; 2013 T@b "Fant@bulous"; 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee; one kayak and one bike
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    What about the lego blocks or even the BAL leveler? Too big of a difference?

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    12"?  How about one of those ramps you use for working under a car? They are inexpensive at Harbor Freight. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754
    Jenn...way too much for my beloved BAL leveler :-(  Verna...those ramps aren't high enough, but maybe putting them on top of some 2x12's...hmmm.

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • CyclonicCyclonic Member Posts: 1,232
    I would worry a little about jack stands as well.  No matter what you use to raise it, that item is also not going to be level, and if it has a narrow base, like a jack stand, you stand to have it tip over.  Blocks with a wide base to spread that load over a wider area might be your best option. 

    Either that or level the actual parking space out.

    States the T@Bpole has camped, so far ;)
    Nathan & Becky... 2013 Ford F150 FX4 TAB HLR... 2012 LG T@B T@Bpole.
    Sterling, VA
  • RZRBUGRZRBUG Member Posts: 890
    jbug10 said:

    I read in a discussion about greasing wheel bearings that T@b's should never be jacked up under the axle.  Something about it being a hollow tube that can be crushed.  Where should the jacks be placed if not under the axle?

    June, there are places on the metal frame close to the axle where jacks can be placed.  Remember to chock the wheels and use jack stands.

    I'll be passing pretty close to your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks on my way to Beavers Bend in OK.  I'll honk or wave or maybe the hog call on the way through.

    Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra

    Happy Trails Y'all

    States Visited Map

  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754
    Larry...you can honk/wave at any one of the 10 T@Bs in the Durango area too!

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    Jenn...way too much for my beloved BAL leveler :-(  Verna...those ramps aren't high enough, but maybe putting them on top of some 2x12's...hmmm.

    Yeah, on second glance I can see that. :) You need some type of hydraulic lift!

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • mash2mash2 Member Posts: 584
    Look at race ramps.  There are several companies that make "racecar" ramps that offer up to 12 inches vertical clearance.  Looks like they may perfectly meet your requirements.  Do search and you'll find some that are 5 ft long that could accommodate that much vertical rise.  
  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    Using jack stands or blocks under the frame would leave one wheel loaded and the other suspended. I question (but I don't know) if this would be bad for the torsion suspension.
    2015 T@B S

  • JandJ92010JandJ92010 Member Posts: 304
    Don't like the idea of jack stands on such a funky angle. Too unstable. removing the concrete and regrading that area would probably be the best way to go. I would be afraid that some one could hit it where it sits now.
    The HobbiT@B, 2015-L, towed by a2014 RAM C/V
  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754
    I ended up making my own shims, mounting them on a 12"x36" piece of 3/4 ply, putting anti-skid stair tread on the bottom...all to hold a plastic auto ramp (I like the race ramps...but $$$!).  It's a bit of a pain to line up and back onto by myself, but it's rock solid when done, and MUCH nicer inside when I'm in there cleaning, prepping, etc. (the tilt made it clumsy to move around).

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • RZRBUGRZRBUG Member Posts: 890
    I ended up making my own shims, mounting them on a 12"x36" piece of 3/4 ply, putting anti-skid stair tread on the bottom...all to hold a plastic auto ramp (I like the race ramps...but $$$!).  It's a bit of a pain to line up and back onto by myself, but it's rock solid when done, and MUCH nicer inside when I'm in there cleaning, prepping, etc. (the tilt made it clumsy to move around).

    Larry & Booger - 2013 T@B, 2012 GMC Sierra

    Happy Trails Y'all

    States Visited Map

  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • DurangoTaBDurangoTaB Member Posts: 754
    5 years of engineering school and a 35 year career...finally pay off!

    J.D. & Sue

    Durango, CO    2014/15 S M@xx :  "Dory's HabiT@B"  Keep on swimming...

  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    How on earth did you work for 35 years? Did you start at 10 years old?  =)

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

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