Hello, I am Rita and my husband is Phil. We just ordered our 2015 T@B S with the upgrades (window, screen door, and larger water tank). It will be silver / blue trim. I can't thank you enough for all the posts and discussions around this wonderful little trailer. I actually knew more about the new options than the sales rep. We also shared some of the innovative things done to utilize space with him. Some of the ideas he plans to use in his sales pitch. Our only problem is the 500+ units on back order. I really want my little trailer now, not in 3 months. But with the order we get the new upgrades which we really wanted. They started adding the window, and larger tank just 2 weeks ago. We have had an RV in the past but this will be a whole new experience in camping lite. I'm going to enjoy reading the posts, learning how things work and maybe it will help with the anticipation anxiety I have now that we have ordered it.
We have a 2013 Subaru Outback 3.5 and this little guy hits all the weight limits with room to spare.
Rita & Phil
Tabu - Rita & Phil and Doli who is a 2015 silver frost/blue S Max being towed by a 2013 Subaru Outback 3.6l
New on the forum and anticipating my new Tab in September. Anyone from the Northwest, Seattle or Everett area? Looking for any kind of tips or shared stories. Would be great to rendezvous with other T@b people in and around Washington state;) Thanks.
HI there - We're in Seattle, Diana. We just went to a fun T@B rally in Olympia and have already met some great folks. You can always PM me with more specifc info if you don't want to post here (like where you live, etc.).
We're heading back out to Port Townsend with our Sunny T@B on the 16th. It's a great spot out there. Sept 13th we're heading to Prosser to the Wine Country RV Park. Maybe that would be a good shakedown cruise for you.
Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
Thank you Sunny! I'm in the Mukilteo area close to the ferry dock. I must confess I have never hauled anything and I fell in love with the T@b not to long ago. I have the S Maxx coming first week in September. Will put Prosser on the calendar. I am hunting for the appropriate vehicle as I have been driving a Mini Cooper for a few years. Do you think a 4 cyl. will do? Not sure what PM means, as I'm just learning about this forum. I'm so excited to experience the world with my T@b beneath me. Hoping for a trip to Montana the end of September. Yikes.
Diana -- I'm new to towing ANYTHING, and I got my T@B last November -- put her in storage and took my first trip in April of this year. I would not recommend a 4-cylinder tow vehicle, as it limits your ability to go to higher altitudes and tackle hills with a level of confidence. The T@B is an awesome little trailer and will "follow" very well, but you will probably not be satisifed with a 4-cylinder tow vehicle. If you are towing on mainly flat lands, a 4-cylinder works well, but throw in any hills + altitude, and the performance drops significantly. I will be upgrading to a 6-cylinder vehicle before I retire in a year or so. For now, I am satisfied to camp at locations that are within the limits of my tow vehicle. Just my two cents' worth!!!
Congrats on your new T@B. You will have a great time.
Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
LOL Bob - I've been looking for a Yellow XTerra but they stopped making them ages ago. Seems silly to trade in a ten year-old TV for an 8 year-old one!
We'll just borrow yours. White goes with everything.:)
Tiff in Seattle
2012 BMW x3/2008 TCS "Sunny"
Thanks for all the great feedback! Just discovered how to use this forum today
kinda. I have been totally flummoxed over the last two weeks about what vehicle to buy, my T@b is due first week of September. I drive a Mini Cooper, so will try and make the informed purchase (such a variety of opinions#%!) in the near future. Wanderloo, I appreciate the clear suggestion regarding the 6 cylinder. The mountains are it. Truly, when you honestly define your reasons for even getting the T@b you will be given your answer. I need the freedom to take on any mountain, desert or temperature. Plus one hopes you won't be on the road for an extended period of time too often. So, I've decided I will be renting a truck in hopes of starting the bonding process with my new buddy! Hopefully get a feel for her demands and go forward with a decision after the wedding night! SunnyTab thanks for your impute, would love to hear more stories or trip plans in the NW.
Thank you for the good information everyone! I did buy a 2015 Subaru Outback 4 cyl. I know, but it's a start! There is really no way to blend a practical city car (low mpg) to the more appropriate 'honkin' tow vehicle that will take you lightheartedly through the hills and mountains of our great country. But I will try, slowly. It's just a car. I can always switch, right? The big question for me today is does the 2015 T@b model S have a little sink in the 'wet bath'. I thought it did. Does anyone know?
Other then that, I'm very satisfied. I just sat inside with a friend and will do the walk through this Saturday.
Thanks TABaker. Good to know.
Jim- I just inserted a comment in your previous note. Don't quite get the format here.
Mine is the same as yours! Getting this Saturday. I believe we'll need to check under the flooring to find out gender. It's all rather exciting! With fall around the corner there are some spectacular roads here in Washington state that really show off the autumn colors. Alaska sounds wonderful, please post some narratives, if possible. There are many fall events I will do before I pack er up. Under the new cover I just bought. Unfortunately with global warming we may be able to camp a little later into the season. ;(
Thank you! Saturday is the big day and then out on Sunday overnight. I just made a road trip (two months ago) to Moss Landing, CA to visit my brother. Stayed in a hotel on the beach, I love the coast and wine country. Any good spots in northern CA, dry camping? Nice you're enjoying the world. DD
DD, hope the Saturday pickup and outing Sunday night was all you antisipated.
Thank you for your kind wishes. I have been consumed in thought and deed in hopes of not leaving anything to chance. Tools, kitchen stuff, bedding, bathroom supplies and off course little Miss Tab herself!! I'm learning about electricity and water and the qualities of them both. Things I have never known before, always let someone else 'handle' it. Hah, it feels good to be independent and share these times with family and friends. A question I have is at what point do you feel comfortable just pulling over and dry camping somewhere? Is it ok just along a country road or by the river's edge? Do you need to ask permission? Or just be ready to beg for forgiveness the next day.
Thanks again Jim for all the great comments and some of the camping history you so fondly share with your family. I'll look up Kelseyville and maybe ask to stay in your driveway one day! ha!