What I would change on the 400

xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
We just took a look at our first 400 at a dealer, and if given a magic wand, these are some changes I would make. 
   Move the battery to the tub in front. 
   Use a smooth, hard floor that can easily be cleaned with a simple dust pan and brush. 
   Put a one piece platform under the rear bed that can be raised and supported with hydraulic arms, rearranging the plumbing underneath as necessary. 
   Use a whole mattress rather than separate cushions for the rear bed. 
   Put regular rectangular view windows on either side of the dinnette and move the port hole windows to the rear on either side of the bed. 
   Extend the refrigerator up through the counter to at least a 5 cu. ft. size and make it 2-way propane/a.c. electric. 
   And I'll stop here and hunker down for any forthcoming responses. 


  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    From what owners have said, the floor sweeps up pretty easily. Personally, I love the look of the floor. 

    Personally, I would rather have a 2 way. The 3 ways are so ridden with issues. Yes, they use very little LP, but it just isn't worth the trade-off when you consider how little power a 2 way uses and the size of the battery (235 ah) that comes in the 400.

    Why would you move the battery to the front?

    I don't mind the suggestion of moving the portal, but I would love a wrap around window in the front. 

    The fridge size is a frequent and easy target but I don't need one that size and I saw one fully packed and was amazed at how much it held.

    The bed suggestion is a pretty good one, if feasible.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • robptrobpt Member Posts: 90
    I agree with @jkjenn. I love the floor, especially barefooted, and I find it very easy to sweep up with a small hand broom and dust pan that I always carry with me. The battery, because of it's weight, would not work for me on the tongue as it would probably push the tongue weight  over the limit. I would rather it stay right where it's at and I hope I have someone to help if I ever need to lift that sucker out of there. The single mattress may be of help, I don't know... I have a foam topper that seems to tame the creases. I don't try accessing the underneath storage from up top. The refrigerator for me is just the right size, as I wouldn't want to loose counter space, and I am finding the two way an added luxury. I like the portal widows, it adds a bit of style and gives it a nautical feel, but I can see the advantage of more opening windows to create air flow.  
    North Florida T@B 400 towed by a 2014 Nissan Frontier
  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    OK, plan B, for those of you who like the battery buried under the bed. At least put it on a slide accessible from the outside storage door. The demo we looked at had mud ground into the ridges on the floor. My wife saw that and said "no way". 
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    I think units take a lot of abuse on a dealer lot.

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • robptrobpt Member Posts: 90
    At least put it on a slide accessible from the outside storage door.

    Now I like that idea....

    North Florida T@B 400 towed by a 2014 Nissan Frontier
  • RatkityRatkity Member Posts: 3,770
    Many RVs with battery banks of 4x 6V's have a sturdy slide-out, so I know it's feasible! 
    2017 820R Retro Toy Hauler from 2015 Tabitha T@B from 2009 Reverse LG Teardrop (but a T@Bluver at heart)
  • LSkrabutLSkrabut Member Posts: 136
    As a 400 owner, 

    1 we have not found the weave pattern on the floor to be an issue, cleaning or in its use.

    2 battery location, up front would cause way too much tongue weight and battery stored in a climate control environment tends to last longer. Currently where located makes some sense. Maybe even if the battery could be placed even further back to off set tongue weight? The current group size, 235mh form factor, there is not enough room to place a slide tray if the bed stays at its current height. Move the bed height up, then the teardrop rear shape will take even more width away from the sleeping size. 

    3 So far the fridge size has not been an issue with us, but we have not attempted a long dispersed camp. Food stores so far have been convenient to us. We do like the fact it is a new 2 way (AC/DC) fridge.

    4 The 3 frame bed platform, at first we did not care for at first, but now I see why it was implemented. Adle/water/electrics frame, We do not get into that often. Middle frame we do, I like that it is lighter than a full platform would be. Far TV side, the shape of the shelf above, it makes it so that frame can only be raised so far.  I have thought about making a strut to hold each of the platforms open, but again, really needed? Having the bed in 3 sections, I thought would not work well, but using a fitted queen sheet and loose top sheet and blanket so far work well for us for both sleeping, lounging, or raising the middle or TV side up. To raise the Adle side, I do flip that bed mattress over the middle for minor inspections or the need to remove some of the Froli springs to allow that platform to open completely.

    Items I like changed

    1 I would like it if the porthole windows up front were bigger or really mid size rectangle shape which open and allowed better 3 side viewing.

    2 A way to separately turn off completely the Entertainment Center and Fridge without pulling their fuse. This would be handy when storing at home and plugged in. My T@B 400 does have both solar and invertor, but with the T@B covered, I rather leave it plugged in for lights and keeping the battery fully charged, but do not want the EC or Fridge to be on all the time.

    3 Front side door side - rear access door to be a bit bigger.

    4 Black/Grey water storage hose tube to be bit longer.

    Utah Driven

    2019 T@B 400 (Ex 2018 400)

    2015 MB GLK 250 Diesel

    2018 GMC Canyon Denali Duramax CCSB

  • TabfortwoTabfortwo Member Posts: 157
    We have a 400 and our thought for under the bed is to move the inverter and build a full length drawer in that location.
  • pingncpingnc Member Posts: 25
    1. We, too, would love to be able to open side windows for cross ventilation.
    2. The floor covering has been no problem, although in 12,000 plus miles we have yet to encounter serious mud issues, so that opinion may change.
    3. Other than initial battery issues, we have not had to do anything to/with the battery, so access has not been an issue. (It is VERY heavy and ackward to access/remove/replace)
    4. Our counter space is the envy of even Airstream folks who have come to take a peek.
    5. A larger frig would be nice, but the 2-way has been much better than the 3-way in the 320.
    6. We would love to be able to sleep front to back so we don't have to climb over each other in the middle of the night, but if we want to keep what we have it would mean adding 2 more feet to the length, and the teardrop shape might not work any more.

    Bottom line, the 400 is great and we are enjoying what we have.
    2018 T@B 400 (P@t's Condo), Silver and Black, TV 2017 GMC Sierra 1500 CrewCab, Phil & Pat in Waynesville, NC
  • JeffrhoJeffrho Member Posts: 11
    Larger baggage door would be nice with a slide out tray, I am currently modding mine. So sweet to pull it out drop a leg and get the set up items quickly. Lighted grab handle standard please, That LED above the door could land the space shuttle! Thank you. 
    T@BOO TIKKI 2006 Clamshell 
    T.V. 2011 Sprinter
    T@B 400 White with Graphic Delete.
  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2018
    The fridge is still a no go for us, so plan B with the magic wand. Remove the fridge, bump up the counter above it a few inches, and use the space as a wardrobe, thus preserving the expansive overall counter space with a small split level. (like the small Lance travel trailer). The fridge moves to the closet across the aisle to a 5 cu ft size with storage below and above, if possible. The ergonomics will then be competitive with other products in its size, if not class leading. 
    I'm glad to hear the floor, despite how it looks, is easily cleaned with a brush and dust pan. I'm dreaming of a better T@B 400. 
  • ColleenD2ColleenD2 Member Posts: 509
    pingnc said:
    1. We, too, would love to be able to open side windows for cross ventilation.
    2. The floor covering has been no problem, although in 12,000 plus miles we have yet to encounter serious mud issues, so that opinion may change.
    3. Other than initial battery issues, we have not had to do anything to/with the battery, so access has not been an issue. (It is VERY heavy and ackward to access/remove/replace)
    4. Our counter space is the envy of even Airstream folks who have come to take a peek.
    5. A larger frig would be nice, but the 2-way has been much better than the 3-way in the 320.
    6. We would love to be able to sleep front to back so we don't have to climb over each other in the middle of the night, but if we want to keep what we have it would mean adding 2 more feet to the length, and the teardrop shape might not work any more.

    Bottom line, the 400 is great and we are enjoying what we have.
    And what is the benefit of the two way over the three way?

    2019 Custom T@B 320 U Boondock Lite-ish
    Custom Colors & Custom Interior
    We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2018
    Probably less expensive for nüCamp to manufacture. No gas lines or gas vents. 
  • jgram2jgram2 Member Posts: 1,522
    @xbooooo Just a few feet/inches? less-still have the propane stove and Alde.
    John, Judi, Guinness & OD in PDX
    T@Bit@t 2015 S Max Outback, ‘18 V6 4Runner 

  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    How about reliability?  nüCamp has had their share of problems with gas refrigerators, fans, overheating, recalls, and flame blowing out. It all must add up. 
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,800
    @ColleenD2, I think the poster was referring to the number of problems Tabbers have had with the 3 way:  when on battery it has excessive draw so that TV can not keep up with it, sometimes difficult to light, had a problem with venting and hot counters - now resolved, etc.
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    Yes, many have turned to supplemental coolers such as ARB fridge-freezer. 
  • ColleenD2ColleenD2 Member Posts: 509
    Thanks Sam
    2019 Custom T@B 320 U Boondock Lite-ish
    Custom Colors & Custom Interior
    We've slept in 34 states, 2 countries & counting
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    I supplement my 3-way with the freezing capacity of my ARB because of my month’s long camping experiences. I do not use the ARB as a replacement for the 3-way. I like my 3-way fridge in my 320.  And I have had my ARB for over 4 1/2 years, 18 months longer than I have had my T@B 320.
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    edited April 2018
    What size is your ARB, @Verna? Are you happy with the size? Do you bring a cooler as well?
    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    @ChanW, 50 qt, no other cooler, the size is perfect, especially for long term camping. 
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • atlasbatlasb Member Posts: 584
    edited April 2018

    2018 T@B 400, 2017 Nissan Titan Crew cab
  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 6,878
    Great photos, @atlasb. The “holdups” are a great idea. Do you let them drop forward when done, or do you have clips for them to rest in when not in use?
    Verna, Columbus, IN
    2021 T@B 320S  Boondock “The T@B”
    Towed by a white 2019 Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab, 3.5L V6 Ecoboost “The Truck”
  • atlasbatlasb Member Posts: 584
    Our 400 Does not have the inverter so I created a door in the front panel, used piano hinge and made the door access under the bed.  I used schedule 40 pvc and some long wood screws to make some drop down supports for the lid's.  Used rubber table leg tips for the supports to keep them from slipping.  I have 2 of the led light switch lamps inside the alde compartment and also by the access door on the passenger side.  By doing this we no longer have to unmake the bed to gain access to the space under it.  Maybe not as polished as some but works great for us.  Love our 400, now If I can just master all the features of the Alde, life would be great!
    2018 T@B 400, 2017 Nissan Titan Crew cab
  • jkjennjkjenn Member Posts: 6,399
    Verna said:
    @ChanW, 50 qt, no other cooler, the size is perfect, especially for long term camping. 
    I have a 35qt and wish I would have got the 50qt, instead. 

    2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014

  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    Good info. Thanks @Verna and @jkjenn.
    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

  • xboooooxbooooo Member Posts: 33
    This is from the European T@B 400L:

    The bed itself is a firm but comfortable, generously sized at 1.95m x .70m, and lifts easily on hydraulics for spacious under-bed storage.

    Just sayin'...
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