Having some fun while gearing up for winter. The tractor is a 70s Jacobsen GT12 and it did pull the trailer out of the shop, on a slight uphill. Now braking is a different story, it has a single band… (View Post)
It may be noteworthy that Alde recommends different fluids and change intervals in Europe (see https://www.alde.co.uk/faq/). The short intervals appear to be the result of US government regulations t… (View Post)
No issues with height here :smiley: The previous owner of the property built the shop to store his motorhome. Total overkill for the T@b, just like the Ram 2500 towing it.... (View Post)
There's at least two of them :smiley: . One quirk with the 3 way used in T@bs is that it has no thermostat for gas or DC, only for AC. The knob regulates the gas flame directly and it typically need… (View Post)