I see no reason why you couldn't do this. In fact, running new wires between the interior benches sounds a lot easier than running new wires from the WFCO to the tub (been there, done that...). You w… (View Post)
If you can work with PEX tubing (it's easy enough but a special tool tool is required to properly crimp the fittings) you could probably extend the short length of pipe between the last elbow and the… (View Post)
@BrianZ, envisioning your contortions to remove that cabinet brought to mind your detailed tutorial on how to reach the back of the city water port through the bathroom wall hatch. I nominate you for… (View Post)
@AndreO, nuCamp sponsors (i.e., pays for) this forum for the benefit of their customers. Although nuCamp staff does not regularly monitor discussions or post comments, suggestions and complaints do g… (View Post)