The numbers for the amp hour use are good as far as they go. I've used an Insta Pot and a small hair dryer to see how this would go, and for just a few minutes, the amp hour usage is acceptable with … (View Post)
The Alde makes very subtle noises. If you are running on propane, you say you hear the "furnace fire" but there is no "circulation." On propane, there are two things you will hear… (View Post)
Sorry, I could have been more specific.The power numbers are basically "when the Alde is actually running", with the pump on and the exhaust fan on. Once the Alde and the trailer is warm, t… (View Post)
@DonF your 225 amp hour AGM's are capable of providing "about" 50 percent of those 225 amp hours to get the most "cycles" from them. That is a nice amount compared to smaller lead… (View Post)