You have a good start with the App, etc. The real balancing act is between the power use of the 2 way fridge and the 80 amp hour battery. The 2 way fridge can eat up about 25-30 amp hours a day, and … (View Post)
And, I had a look at the 4 battery lithium setup thread, and each battery has the battery heater wiring. If each of them uses 1.8 amps continuously, this would be a real issue. I would assume the BMS… (View Post)
I think they will dance and dance and dance around this issue forever. The tongue/stabilizer method works on my Outback just fine, no blocks needed. It is nice to know there is a spot under the trail… (View Post)
I believe that is a box to cover your shower drain or drain trap. I have pictures somewhere, but now that google search has gone bonkers, I can't find anything any more! (View Post)