I had our Tab winterized by a local RV shop last October, but we want to de-winterize it ourselves. I'm following the Tab owners manual steps to De-winterize and Sanitize with the Alde system, specifically method B (AF added to the fresh water tank, plumbing lines, P-traps, tank valves -
sparing the Alde water tank).
Step 1 says "Valves are in the 'winterize mode' (AF bypasses the Alde how water tank, but runs through all water lines). Drain valves and hot and cold water supply valves should be closed...")
I know where the drain valves (C & E below) are but in the diagram below, which are the "hot and cold water supply valves" referenced in the manual?
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
I wrote those instructions (below). The hot and cold water supply lines refer to the lines that move cold water in and hot water out of the Alde - those valves are A and G and should be closed to prevent AF or bleach from entering the Alde. It looks like they bypassed the Alde using the Bypass valve, but did not close the other lines to the Alde. You can open the Alde drain to see if AF exits the Alde, but AF in the lines will flow out and then you won’t really know for sure.
“Valves are in the "winterize mode" (AF bypasses the Alde hot water tank, but runs through all water lines). Drain valves and hot and cold water supply valves should be closed, the Alde bypass valve should be open, (400 bypass valve set to Bypass). The Alde water tank is isolated and already free of AF, so start to flush the fresh water tank and plumbing lines first.“
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.
Thanks, Jerry
2019 Honda Pilot AWD and 2018 T@B 320-CS hanging out on the left edge of Lake Erie.