Hi! We are getting our battery tested in our 320CS-S teardrop (2018). It is the standard battery that came with the trailer. Does anyone have recommendations for batteries if we do need a new one?
- We camp full hook-ups and also some dry camping (Harvest Hosts, etc. )
- We would like to eventually, at some point in the future, also invest in some solar panels that power a battery in the teardrop.
Any advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Former steward of a 2017 T@B S Max
I eventually removed it entirely, but haven't lost any sleep over the four small holes still in the tub. :-)
Otherwise, what @pthomas745 said. If your fridge is on, especially, your tow vehicle may not be able to keep up. Often best to fully charge while you can plug in somewhere, and then count on the tow vehicle to just hopefully keep the battery from dropping too much while you’re on the road.
However, we have read that you should keep your propane at 80%. Are we at risk here for a fire or something as the battery is charging?
thanks for all the help!!
1. After you charged your battery for 36 hours, what was the voltage?
4. When you turned the battery back on while cooking (which was not necessary as you were on shorepower), what was the voltage?
5. Your use of propane does not impact your battery.
7. I know you think that nothing was turned on, but what you don’t realize is that there are phantom loads on the battery. The CO/LPG detector, the television and Jensen LEDs, the battery monitor, etc all act to place a load on your battery. So, when you check a voltage reading (off shorepower- battery on) all of these power draws will lower the voltage.
Hang in there - electric and solar are big learning curves.
Can you take a picture of the galley hatch struts? You may have a solenoid switch built into the strut. This is something unique to the TaBs, but common to TaG teardrops.
2013 CS-S us@gi
2015 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab