Finding local TAB owners

jenilandjeniland Member Posts: 6
Hello! I'm in the process of purchasing a 2021 TAB 320 S boondock package and would love to see one in person before I purchase. I have seen one driving around town where I live, in Champaign/Urbana, IL. Is there a way to find owners by their location? New to this discussion board and very happy with the detailed and enthusiastic threads! Thank you! Can't wait to get mine and get on the road.


  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    edited October 2020
    I think you've probably found the best way to find people!

    There isn't any "index" (for privacy etc).

    Or you could try a search on the forum for "Illinois"... (Magnifying glass at the top of the page)
    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

  • TampakayakerTampakayaker Member Posts: 558
    edited October 2020
    I had the same problem  trying to find someone nearby with a 320.  Dealers didn't have any.  I posted on here and in 2 or 3 different T@B FB groups.  One wonderful couple replied and invited us to stop by and look at theirs.

    And with the amount of people on this forum and on the various FB pages you would think that there are T@Bs on every corner!

    Since purchasing ours about a year ago, we've only seen 2 on the road and 1 at a dealer.

    They are elusive in the wild  :)
    2006 RAM 1500 4 door, 2016 T@B 320 MAX S 
    Tampa FL
  • jenilandjeniland Member Posts: 6
    Thank you for your response. I'm also curious about your TV. Is the Tacoma 4cyl enough to pull the 320? Thanks!
  • jimrjjimrj Member Posts: 56
    You could also try Outdoorsy—the RV rental site—to see if any Tabs are for rent in your area.  Then call and ask for a tour. Might work. 
    Jim and Robin / 2021 320S / 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk / Oregon
  • VictoriaPVictoriaP Member Posts: 1,496
    edited October 2020
    @verna, she asked about a 320 with a Tacoma, not the 400 (others misread both her posts in this thread, she’s already buying a 2021 320)...didn’t you use the Tacoma to pull your previous 320? What was that experience like?
    2019 320s BD Lite, white with blue (“Haven”)
    2015 Subaru Outback 3.6r (unsafe 200lb tongue weight limit until 2020 models)
    2020 Subaru Outback XT
    Pacific NW
  • Swoosh66Swoosh66 Member Posts: 3
    Our dealer didn’t have any in stock, but when I called they told us we could walk through a 320 & 400 that arrived pre-sold and were waiting for their new owners to pick up a few days later.  We drove right over!
    T@B 400 (2021 on order) | 2021 Toyota 4Runner | PNW
  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 9,800
    Sharon / 2017 T@B CSS / 2015 Toyota Sienna Minivan / Westlake, Ohio
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    @Swoosh66. Did you preorder the 320 per your original post, or did you end up ordering the 400.  A Tacoma 4cyl with tow package with tow package will mange a 320, but not a 400.  You need a 6cyl Tacoma as a minimum TV.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • Swoosh66Swoosh66 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2020
    @Denny16 I believe a different poster mentioned a 320 & a Tacoma. I was just chimming in to mention that a dealer might not show a T@B in inventory, but they might have one or two passing thru to look at. 
    T@B 400 (2021 on order) | 2021 Toyota 4Runner | PNW
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    Thanks, got your post mixed up with the OP.  I see from yiur tag line, you ordered a 400. 
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • ChanWChanW Member Posts: 3,162
    edited October 2020
    Hi @jeniland.

    Yes we've been pulling our Tab Maxx S (same as the 320 - they changed the name) with our 4cyl Tacoma since 2013. Keep in mind that ours is a standard transmission. I wouldn't want an automatic for towing (leery of overheating - but that's just me).

    It works fine in most situations, up and down the East coast interstates, through the Appalachian mountains, the Adirondacks, and the Smokies. Might have run into one or two climbs that took us down to 45-50mph, but honestly not really a problem. We usually cruise at no more than 60-65, for safety, but we have been known to go 70-72 when we forget.

    We've taken it into the mountains in New Mexico and Colorado a few times and not really had difficulty. The headwind could slow us to 55mph, and a mountain pass or two took us down to 45. But again, not really a problem.

    We generally get an average of 15-16 mpg, sometimes as high as 17, and sometimes are low as 13-14 with a good headwind.

    If I had a choice, we'd have the six cylinder, but this is what we have, and it's been fine. Chances are that the gas mileage would be about the same, when towing anyway.

    One interesting point is that the cargo capacity is lower by a couple hundred pounds in the six cylinder. The heavier engine takes away some of the cargo capacity.
    Chan  -  near Buffalo NY
    2014 S Maxx
    2011 Tacoma 4cyl ... edit: 2022 Tacoma 6cyl - oh yeah! 

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