Alde 5 Year Glycol Antifreeze...Where to buy? (Note: Not for US manufactured Alde’s)

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 834
Does anyone know where to buy this Alde Antifreeze in the U.S.? I checked the Alde U.S. based branch and I don't see it on their website. I'm due to replace the glycol this year and I wanted to replace with this 5 year type.  I tried calling Alde, but I bet they are shut down for Christmas. 

Also, how much glycol do you need for a T@B 400? I see the ratio of antifreeze to water is 60% distilled water and 40% glycol so trying to figure out how much to order if I find it. 


{Added disclaimer to title to alleviate confusion—Verna, T@B Forum Admin)


  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    edited December 2020
    Currently, the 5-year Alde branded glycol is,only available in Europe. I went looking for the new 5-year glycol last fall for our TaB Alde service. I believe the Alde branded glycol is premixed (see jug label above), so no more water should be added.  As for how much, that depends on the year and model TSB you have.   We had our dealer replace the Alde fluid in our TaB400, it took a little more than 1.6 gallons of fluid, so two gallons was,needed.  Also to get a complete change out you need the purpose built purge pump, nüCamp and dealers that service the Alde use.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • ChrisFixChrisFix Member Posts: 739
    edited December 2020
    After two years of looking and considering...finally the proud owner of a 2021 T@B 400 Boondock!
    2023 Honda Ridgeline RTL-E with Redarc Trailer Brake Controller
  • CrabTabCrabTab Member Posts: 457
    edited December 2020
    I believe the ALDE glycol is hard to come by @Tabster. Here is what I have read on this forum to use in the ALDE. Century Chemical TF-1 Heat Transfer Fluid: Automotive

    This product is used full strength. Not sure of a quantity for the 400.

    Edit: Looks like others (above) read the same posts as me...

    2019 320 Boondock Edge
     - Sold Jan 2022
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    yes, that is the nüCamp recommended glycol for USA, and is what our dealer used.  It is also premixed wind ready to use, with a service life of 2 to 3 years, depending on how much you use the Alde system.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,061
    I would take a looooonnnng hard look at the differences in the "Antifreeze" used in Europe compared to the product here in the US.  (The Century stuff we usually purchase here.)
    Without digging too deeply, the European market still uses Ethylene Glycol for their Aldes. 

    Here in the US, we are using Propylene Glycol. Ethylene Glycol is poisonous, and I wouldn't let it within a million miles of my water pipes. 

    "Premixed and ready to use ethylene glycol antifreeze, specially formulated for Alde heating systems and containing silicated OAT. VAG G13 Spec. Protects to -37°C, with 5 year corrosion protection."

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • Thanks everyone! This is very helpful! Good to know about that special pump too. I will be sure to ask if the repair place has that.  Good to know its premixed too.  I wasn't planning to do it myself, but I thought I would look into the special 5 year glycol just in case it was an option. It sounds like its not and poisonous anyway!
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,061
    Most of the car antifreeze we use in the US is "ethylene glycol", which is dangerous if consumed.  And, a concern for disposal.  In various threads here, I've learned that most states don't make a distinction for disposal of either type of glycol. 
    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    Unless something has changed very recently, the Century TF-1 is the only heat transfer fluid approved by Alde for use in their north American units. It appears to last much longer than the recommended two-year change interval, but much of that probably depends on the degree of usage.
    2015 T@B S

  • kinison_fankinison_fan Member Posts: 3
    Came upon this thread in a search for Alde fluid--Lot of confusing info on this topic in the last year.
    I emailed Truma (Alde), their recommendation is to use the new Alde branded fluid ("G13"), which is what NuCamp also seems to recommend, but also still on a 2 year replacement?

    What's not clear to me is if the new Alde G13 spec fluid is "GRAS" (Generally Regarded as Safe).--Is US Alde G13 different than European G13?

    Truma quoted $55 per gallon, a call to my local dealer quoted $70 a gallon (or $680 for the fluid exchange if they do it). 
    I'm looking at the DIY pump options, and if G13 is the same (toxic) in the US or Europe, any reason not use $20/ gallon US brands like (Prestone, PEAK, Zerex)? Even that has some grey area, G12++ is pink, or blue (compatible with G13), and the G13 is purple/violet (or also blue?)

    Clear as mud.

    Since mine is not under warranty, I think I'll use the previous recommended Century TF-1 (Yellow) for now, and see what "evolves" as far as recommendations two years from now...
  • pthomas745pthomas745 Moderator Posts: 4,061
    Welcome to the Forums.......and, yes, this is all so confusing.  But, before any recommendations, we need to know what year and build date of your trailer, since the "new" glycol started to be installed in the trailers "around" Dec 2020.  If your trailer build date is earlier, you can use the "old" Century glycol. 
    It is very difficult to get the antifreeze bafflegab sorted out.  It is a mess.  The conversations here usually leave it to the brand names of the containers:  Century Glycol or the new Rhomar "water".  They should both be GRAS "propylene glycol".  The only difference in either of the glycols is what ever "supersecret" corrosion inhibitor is used.   Since nobody will tell us what exactly we need to protect our Aldes from whatever the problem might be....we get stuck in the middle with a two year cycle of very expensive "glycol replacement". 
    So: I would ignore all of the European references to G13, since I've never been clear either what exactly the formulation is.  If you have a pre 2020 trailer, stick to the Century.  There are many long threads here about the glycol replacement that go all the way back to 2016. 
    If you search here for Peak and Zerex, those were discussed a few years back.  But..the hangup is "corrosion inhibitors".  Since we don't know what the secret ingredient is, no one can be sure if it is "correct", and Alde and NuCamp cannot or will not help.

    2017 Outback
    Towed by 2014 Touareg TDi
  • ScottGScottG Administrator Posts: 5,572
    I'm not sure exactly which fluid Truma/Alde is calling "G13" but there have been instances of them dispensing European advice to U.S. customers--advice that later gets "corrected" under scrutiny. I think it depends on who you communicate with when you contact them.

    "Bafflegab" is a good word. I have no idea why this relatively simple topic should be subject to so much confusion and secrecy. 
    2015 T@B S

  • N7SHG_HamN7SHG_Ham Member Posts: 1,261
    As far as I can tell the now factory fill of Rhomar brand fluid is not labeled as GRAS, so it appears USA market has abandoned that. In that case I do wonder if a person could source the European Alde branded fluid which is some sort of G13 or maybe even try VW branded fluid here in USA which is a G13.

    I get the impression that Alde branded fluid in USA is not same as Alde branded fluid in Europe.

    There are other brands besides Rhomar in USA available at HVAC supply houses, some of which are designed specifically to protect aluminum.

    The problem is if you do something off book, you may be on hook for big repairs if it turns out to be a bad experiment.
    2019 T@B 400 Boondock Lite
  • Denny16Denny16 Member Posts: 5,431
    Heating transfer fluids (glycol based fluids) used in Europe are different from what is used in North America.  When I first got out TaB, I went looking for the 5-year transfer fluid Alde was recommending (in Europe).  Turned out to be completely unavailable in North America, and the UK supplier I found would not ship it here.

    So I ended up sticking with the then Alde USA recommended Century TF-1.  Shortly afterwards, Alde/Truma US changed their recommended fluid to the Rhomar fluid, which was being used on new production TaB in 2021.

    Older units built before Jan 2021, can still use the Century fluid, but can also have their system flushed and replaced with the new (improved?) Rhomar fluid.
    Personally, I would stay with the Alde recommendations for North America units.  Why take unnecessary risks with an expensive bit of kit, just to save a few $.
    2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock,  Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.
  • Dutch061Dutch061 Member Posts: 765
    Most of the car antifreeze we use in the US is "ethylene glycol", which is dangerous if consumed.  And, a concern for disposal.  In various threads here, I've learned that most states don't make a distinction for disposal of either type of glycol. 
    Actually they switched to propylene glycol years ago for the very reason mentioned, ethylene glycol is poisonous and very sweet to taste. Kills anything that drinks it dead......

    2020 400 BDL aka "Boonie"
    2022 Black Series HQ19 aka "Cricket"
    2021 F-250 Tremor with PSD aka "Big Blue"
    Concord, NC 
  • Mellow_YellowMellow_Yellow Member Posts: 347
    2014 T@B 320 S "Sunny" - 2015 Toyota Sienna LE - British Columbia, Canada
  • RCBRCB Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2021
    The metals being protected by the secret ingredient, I understand to include aluminum and stainless steel. So any  such fluid must be able to protect them. I believe the phrase ‘heat transfer fluid’  can also apply to combustion engine antifreeze. The German cars all have very specific requirements to protect the various metal within their engines. So why those types of antifreeze would not be suitable for the Alde is a mystery to me. Perhaps someone has explored this…
    400 - 2019
    St Catharines, ON
  • kinison_fankinison_fan Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2022
    Ongoing saga...I ended up buying the Century "TF-1", or "19910-32Y" fluid (32 oz concentrated) on Amazon back in October--and just flushed and filled this weekend.  looking at the receipt, I paid about $16 each bottle, checked Amazon today and the price is $38 per bottle.  I also checked Century's website, and looks like they are not listing transfer fluid currently (only septic and waste holding tank products).  So in the next 2-3 years, I'll see what evolves, but thinking I'll probably use automotive "G13" rated antifreeze (which so far, has not more than doubled in price).
  • FreespiritFreespirit Member Posts: 165
    @kinison_fan, I have 2 gallons of Century “TF-1” that I will not be using(switched to new Rhomar RG-RTU-50), I will sell for $15.00/gallon plus shipping. If you are interested just send me a PM. 
    2020 TAB 320 U
    TV 2022 Highlander
  • kinison_fankinison_fan Member Posts: 3
    @Freespirit. Thanks for the offer, I'm good for a couple years now.  Hopefully someone will take you up on it.
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