Background: My 2014 T@B 320 S is "new to me" but sat, unused, covered but otherwise neglected by its previous owners, for most of the past 6 years. I live in the mild but moist Pacific NW. I keep the T@B well ventilated while not in use and have no issues with condensation, even while camping.
While investigating my 2014 T@B 320 S for the fridge-hose
recall notice, I discovered extensive rust on the NORCOLD fridge's piping and major signs of past mildew on the inside of the fridge side panel and adjacent (removable) plywood panel between the fridge and sink. I cleaned and removed the mildew with bleach solution, but now I'm seriously concerned about this fridge.

1. Is the fridge safe to use in this condition?
2. Should I raise h*ll with the RV dealer who sold it to me?
3. Should I have a refrigeration expert look at the fridge and while they're at it, address the gas hose location issue as per the recall notice? I'm not sure I'll be able to add the clamp myself, given the tight access.
4. Can the surface rust on the piping be removed/repainted by a refrigeration expert?
5. Eeeek!
I need to figure out how to get the hose modification made though so that it doesn't rub on the fins.
I'm not sure about using the plastic hose strap so close to the fins. I may opt for heavy wire that shouldn't wear into the hose, but I prefer the wider hose strap. TBD. I'll have another look tomorrow.
Tampa FL