Our brand new 320 S was winterized by the dealer before we brought him home. We will be taking him out for his maiden voyage next week, and we need to de-winterize him. I haven't been able to find any explain-it-to-me-like-I'm-5 instructions or videos online. I've gone through all the manuals, but I'm still not sure I totally understand all the steps. One thing I'm not sure about is if you are supposed to open the low point drains under the Nautilus to empty everything out before starting the sanitation and de-winterization process? Thanks!
2021 T@B 320 S Boondock
2021 Honda Passport Elite AWD
Meridian, Idaho
0 ·
To de-winterize:
2. Use a pressure regulator and hook up a potable water hose to the city water connection.
3. Place your blue and green valves in the “City Water” position.
3. Turn on the city water spigot, then run each sink, indoor shower, outdoor shower until clear. The lines are short, so it won’t take much. If you want to be thorough, you can flush the toilet, too.
4. I am not sure how much antifreeze will be left, but you can briefly open your low point drains to rinse.
5. Turn off the city water spigot, but leave the hose connected as you will need it to fill the tank later with sanitizing.
To sanitize: Leave the Alde Bypassed. You will need either battery or shorepower for the Nautilus pump.
1. Dilute 1/4 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water in a clean bucket.
2. Turn your valves to Sanitize.
3. Use a short section of potable water hose and connect to the Sanitize/Winterize outlet.
4. Place the other end of the hose in the diluted bleach solution.
5. Turn on the Nautilus pump. It should suck up the bleach solution. Turn off pump when bucket is emptied.
6. Disconnect short hose.
7. Valves are the same for Sanitize and Tank fill so they should be set.
8. Turn on the city water spigot and fill the tank. If water starts coming out of the fresh tank overflow, it is filled.
9. Turn off the spigot and disconnect the hose.
11. One by one, open each sink and shower faucet and run bleach water from the tank until you you can smell bleach. Then close the tap. This will fill and sanitize the plumbing system.
12. Let it sit a few hours.
To flush:
1. Open your fresh tank drain to empty the tank.
2. Fill your fresh tank again (steps 7-9), then again drain your fresh tank. Repeat until no further bleach odor.
3. To clear your plumbing lines, leave the city water hose connected and place your valves in the City Water position.
4. Open the water spigot and then open the sink and shower faucets until no further bleach odor.
After your plumbing is clear of bleach, then move your Alde Bypass to Normal and fill your Alde tank by opening a hot water tap until it flows freely and no longer sputters.
Good luck.
2021 Honda Passport Elite AWD
Meridian, Idaho
2006 F-150
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
And thank you, Sharon-is-SAM, for your clear instructions, which I have printed out and added to the stack of materials that came with my trailer. You have saved me a bunch of frustration.
2021 T@b 400 BD (N@lu 'Ima Ola)
2013 Toyota Tundra Ext. Cab V8 5.67L 4x4
Here's the answer from NuCamp customer service for a 320S:
"while the nautilus does warn against overfilling we have a setup to where it will not damage the tank / lines if you overfill. There is an overfill line outlet that’s located right behind the Nautilus panel itself that will spit out water when the tank is overfilling .... {extraneous text removed}.... I made sure to check with Quality Control on this as well and they say the same thing."
2021 T@b 400 BD (N@lu 'Ima Ola)
2013 Toyota Tundra Ext. Cab V8 5.67L 4x4
Some areas do not allow dumping of antifreeze into the sewer. You can use the low points drains(red arrows on gbod’s original post above), with all faucets open, and drain the antifreeze into a bucket, then drain the fresh water tank, and black/gray holdings tanks into a bucket to get most of then antifreeze out. Then follow Sharon’s suggestion to flush water through the system.
Antifreeze in many areas, needs to be taken to a recycle or hazmat disposal site, and not dumped on the ground or through a sewer system. This includes the Alde glycol, and so call safeRV antifreeze (pink stuff).
If you do not have a sewer drain setup at home, you can flush the system into the holding tanks, and dump them at an RV dump station on your way to the campsite.
lines and flush the toilet.
Just follow the instructions in the link just above your post to dewinterize then sanitize.
Robin suggested picking up some concentrated chlorine tablets and putting them on the hose for an easier method of sanitizing for rigs without a gravity fill. On a T@b, I believe you would simply set the Alde to bypass mode and use the tank fill settings on the Nautilus and rinse until you are free of the bleach smell.
2021 T@b 320 Boondock "Mattie Ross" | 2021 T@b Nights: 239 | Total nights in a T@b 455 | 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Overland | T@b owner since 2014
Thank you
"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman