The Norcold 3163 3-way fridge in our 2016 T@B Max S has been a pain almost from the start. The only reason I don’t haul the thing out and take it to the landfill is it works PERFECTLY on electric. The first time we had it in to the dealer they cleaned up the burner, and the last time (last week) they replaced the thermocouple.
Now the green light comes on when we start the fridge as expected. But I don’t feel any heat at the countertop, and the fridge cools to only 50 degrees.
The trailer is level, the ambient temp is 70, and we’ve run the fridge on propane for 24 hours. The propane tank is full and we had the regulator tested so the gas pressure is good.
ANY ideas?
Apparently parts aren’t available for this stupid thing any longer. Every time we take it in it’s $160/hour and removing and replacing it takes 3 hours.
My "under-used" "new to me" 2014 T@B 320 S has the same Norcold fridge. Mine fridge works perfectly on propane, so well, that it freezes my food unless I turn it down to "2". Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the green light to stay on when lighting it, but once it's on, it's reliable, cold and quiet. But I do know what you mean about the countertop heating up!
If your fridge still doesn't cool down, it might need to be replaced. There are a few posts in this category about people who have replaced the Norcold. The newer fridges are surprisingly inexpensive, but it sounds like many of them are "two way" and run just on AC/DC, with no propane option. Provided your battery is good and you have a way to recharge it (solar or generator), you might be ok with a 2-way fridge.
Not a cheap solution, but may be your only option. Sorry to hear this is happening.
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When I get it started on the propane the green light comes on and stays on but the fridge will not cool. Now when pugged into electricity nothing is happening but the fan is running. I had it running well off the battery 2 days ago but that is tough given the generator sucks down gas. Do I throw this thing out and replace it with a yeti cooler. Seems like those don't break down.
"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”― Lovelle Drachman