There is a noticable difference in pressure in the hot water than the cold. Anyone else have this? Maybe it's on purpose? Maybe it's because hot water has more plumbing and Alde to pass through? Maybe this helps conserve the hot water supply?
Thanks I have my temp at maximum high temp at this point with the new style mixer valve on the 2022s. I will check out those other threads. I did forget to do a search first! My bad.
I don't have a mixing valve but I notice the same thing. Also that the HW flow is a bit smoother than the CW when using the pump. I think you are right about the longer plumbing pathway.
I think I recall the HW water pressure being stronger on the pump. I'm going to go back out and check that. Probably not going to be a big deal as said in one of the other threads having the water at max hot is best anyway because you use less so the pressure on the cold side should make up for the lower pressure on hot side.
Whilst on the water pump, the hot water tanks are going to act like a pressure tank to give a more consistent pressure with out the spurting you get on the cold water side. I want to add a small marine pressure tank to our TaB on the cold water side coming from the pump. This would also reduce water pump running times, as the pump will cycle when used with a pressure tank. Cheers
2018 TaB400 Custom Boondock, Jeep Gladiator truck, Northern California Coast.