I have a 2022 Tab 320S Boondock and trying to troubleshoot a KIB panel gray and fresh water indicator issue.
Initial Problem:
-When freshwater tank was empty (on city water) both the fresh and gray water indicators showed increasing levels when only the the gray water tank was getting filled up. I opened the drain on fresh water tank just to make sure no water was there. Nope, it was empty even though the indicator was mirroring the gray water level. When gray water tank was emptied, both fresh and gray water indicators returned to empty.
- To test whether the same happened when filling the freshwater tank, I filled the freshwater tank and left gray water tank empty. The freshwater tank indicator registered proper levels and the gray water tank indicator stayed empty. Well that was good, but confounding.
Checked with NuCamp and they were thinking maybe the common wires had somehow been mis-connected at the tank/resistor harness down by the tank sensors. I dropped the bottom cover of the trailer (kind of a pain). All wiring at that end was connected properly per NuCamp and KIB specifications.
NuCamp recommended I take it to a dealership to get it resolved under
warranty - which is a good idea in theory. The dealership I bought it
from is 900 miles away and the local dealer won't touch it. They say since
I'm not 'their customer' (i.e., I didn't buy it there) they have no capacity to deal with warranty
work. Another bummer. Called every few months for the past 6 months to
see if the local dealer had any openings coming up. Nope. Won't even give me a
future appointment months out. So double bummer.
Follow-up issue:
- I checked the indicators the other day in prep for an upcoming trip and found that now ALL indicators (fresh, gray, N/A, and battery) show full even though both the fresh and gray water tanks are bone dry. Bummer yet again.
So kind of stuck trying to figure this out on my own. Anyone have suggestions?
Thanks - Jeff
As an aside - I found out the panel maker (KIB) has been bought out by American
Technology Company
(https://www.atcomp.com/news/elkhart-rv-parts-suppliers-merge) so
difficult to get any info or advice from them. Thinking of changing out
the circuit board but can't find a supplier for the one they use in the
2022 units.
We bought our TaB 400 from its original owner, sold by a SoCal TaB dealer, and our NorCal local dealer has performed several warranty repairs to the trailer, all on nüCamp’s nickel. Part of being a TaB (or any manufacturer’s) dealer, is to provide support for any nüCamp products and customers, regardless if they originally sold the trailer/vehicle or not. Many nüCamp dealers provide support to TaB owners, regardless of where they bought the trailer.
End of rant…. Now we return you to your originally scheduled program…
one of my OK I'll purchase items was the '18 model year had SeeLevel Tank Monitors.
While the SeeLevel system were not (are not) 100% accurate it is IHMO a far, far better system . . . . but it costs more at the OEM level and requires more production floor time to install & calibrate.
nüCamp switching to the KIB Style tank monitors was 1,000% a production cost choice and 1,000% not a 'best for the customer' choice or in keeping with nüCamp's claim of being an RV Builder with Quality above that seen in Forest Rivers or whatever out there.
New nüCamp Customers should tell their dealers they are Not Going to Buy an RV with the useless KIB style tank monitors !!
TV: '17 Colorado V6 Z71 4x4, Tow Package, GM Brake Controller
Adventures: 55 Nights: 376 Towing Miles 46,920